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Turino - 2009-06-22

Date: 21 June 2009 In Response To: Re: The School, Kevin, Bipolar and Other Issues (Jerome)
OK let me get this straight, your saying that FT's who work for training centers are as responsible for the training centers being crappy as the owners and operators? That logic just doesn't jive. Someone who is in need of work can not be faulted for taking it. The market is rich, but since most training centers are crap, it's kind of hard to fault someone just for trying to make a living. What you're talking about is guilt by association, which is not a valid reason for your accusation. Your logic is kind of messed up.
If I go to work for a serial killer, and they dig up bodies in his basement, am I also guilty of murder? I think maybe you are implying that, since the teachers are there, doing what the head of the school wants, and that being teaching crap curriculum, that that teacher is to blame. OK firstly, how can the teacher know before hand that they center is crap? Not all do their research, and perhaps they have limited opportunities. By your argument the person should quit one they discover the place is crap. really? Have you? Is your moral and ethical compass so strong that you quit every time you find out a job is crap? I think if it were that strong you would likely starve to death. I would say your expectations of people in general are pretty damn high, likely so high few if any could meet them, except of course you.
People have to make a living, jobs suck, most people have jobs they hate. It would in truth be immature to act the way you suggest, because we all, every day, have to do things we do not like. Simply up and quitting is not a realistic option. That being the case, these people are not culpable simply because they work there. They are not the ones who set policy, they do what they are told. As you can see many of us try to change things from within, but it's hard to do much more with people like you undermining us, and yes, that's what you are doing. Why are you doing it? Because you enjoy arguing, you like being contrary, and I honestly doubt this issue matters much to you. No, you just feel like you are not being given your just deserts, that we are not giving you the attention and praise you deserve for your brilliance. Sorry Charlie, but you are not deserving of such.
Blaming teachers of a school for how the school works, and saying they hold blame as well is foolish, not to mention naive. While your words, which can only mean we should quit to make a statement, sound nice, it is idealistic twaddle, formulated by a youth. in mind if not body, who has little understanding of the world, or just likes to take an untenable position so as to create conflict, which they are at the center at of course, getting whatever attention they can garner. Sad.
I for one am not accountable for any of the crap policies at any of the schools here in China, or how they demand a person teach. I elect not to work for such places, but I have been lucky. Most people are not as lucky as I have been, and must work. Are they to be "blamed" for the way their bosses decide to run things? I don't think to, if we all looked at things in the same restricted, black and white, doofus way that Jerome/Kevin the antagonizer does, well, we would all be out of work and sitting at home collecting unemployment, with as many douche bag bosses as there are out there. Sorry Kevin, but yet again your comment seem to be designed to do nothing more then create a stir of the pot and garner you attention.

Excellent post,DitheringPidderPadder.I just thought I'd quote it in its entirety in case some of our fellow posters had missed it first time round.Obviously,you have gone to a lot of time and trouble trying to educate a discerning reader living in an ivory tower.The sad thing is it won't be appreciated by said 'academic',but hopefully it will dissuade him from posting more bilge.Then you needn't spend so much time typing long replies.

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Re: The School, Kevin, Bipolar and Other Issues -- Turino -- 2009-06-22
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