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Chengdu FT - 2009-08-21

They just recently posted an ad looking for a teacher.

They are more of a middle man than a "school."

I worked for them briefly part time back in 1999. They paid a 100 an hour back then and still pay a 100 an hour today.

Salary and wages at this place are extremely low.
Any other crappy (Web, Meten/Metro, or NDI) training school would provide you with a better deal than they are offering. Please note that I'm not recommending any of those places either. Hell, EF would probably be better!

I have known several people that have worked for them over the last four years.
The majority of their classes are contracts that they hold with local schools. You will be teaching at random public schools (usually a different one every day. Mostly junior high school, some senior high, and some primary schools. That means you will have a class of about 50 students and you will see them once a week for 45 minutes. Generally no grades, no discipline, and an unuseable text.

Some of the contracts that she has are way outside of town, like two hours away.
I new some one that was working for her (the school is run by Irene)and he quit because he wasn't getting paid back for bus fare to and from the school (that was about 50RMB a week. When they discussed the deal she initially agreed to give him a travel allowance.

The company does have a number of corporate accounts, but those are starting to dry up. The market is becoming more specialized and her contracts are being picked off slowly by a various competitors. So don't expect to be doing real business English teaching there.

In short most of the work is monkey work for really low wages/salary. She hires part time and full time.

If she holds your visa you can expect a fair amount of commute around town, and on occasion out of town, and you can't do jack about it.

If you kiss ass, she will give you the more "choice" assignments.

On the positive side.
She is always looking for teachers.
Mostly pays on time, and pays what is agreed upon.
She can get visas with out much problem (but then she owns your butt)!!!

Any other "real training school" (and as silverboy says, "they are all crap anyways") in chengdu pays a base of at least 6,000 up to 10,000

Public schools pay from 3500 to 4000 with housing. Low, but at least you have the long breaks holidays.


Messages In This Thread
New Times International Sichuan Chengdu -- Chengdu FT -- 2009-08-21
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Re: New Times International Sichuan Chengdu -- Wish I had read this earlier -- 2009-12-23
Re: New Times International Sichuan Chengdu -- Monitor -- 2009-11-06
Re: New Times International Sichuan Chengdu -- Chengdu FT -- 2009-12-23
Re: New Times International Sichuan Chengdu -- Devil's Advocate -- 2010-02-15
Re: New Times International Sichuan Chengdu -- Dr. Paul -- 2015-04-28
Re: New Times International Sichuan Chengdu -- Chengdu CT -- 2010-02-19
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