Val - 2009-10-12
In response to Re: Aston (wendy_h80)

Aston is a business first and a school last. In order to be more competitive with other winners such as EF and Kid's Castle and Shane they have created more gimmicks, more advertising, have put teachers in McDonalds and KFC to teach classes, and started outsourcing teachers. They've figured out how to maximize profits from teachers, while demanding more from them, and without ever giving raises or raising the base wage.

These strategies are good for short-term profits, but, every student knows that a school is only as good as the teacher in the classroom teaching the class. Aston relies on a perpetual tide of newbie teachers, preferably fresh out of college, to teach with their teacher's books, and doesn't place enough value on actual teaching to ever give a raise. They've made the decision that teachers are not as important as the system they teach in. Maybe they're right, but in the heat of the battle for students, they've made the decision to exploit teachers more, which helps to pay for more gimmicks, rather than treat teachers better and offer a better education.

They will also tacitly allow the franchisees to exploit the teachers they recruit from overseas.

Its time for schools like Aston to take a more long-term approach to offering superior education, rather than going the dark route of scams and cutting corners on teachers to maximize profits.

Aston has decided that there are no career options for teachers in their schools since they will never get a raise or better than slight benefits package. It's quite an interesting decision.

China doesnt need anymore Melamine, whether its in the milk or in the quality of English instruction theyre paying for.

But, Melamine pays as long as no one gets caught and no one can tell the difference. So, more power to Aston to make more money at the expense of teachers and students alike.

Messages In This Thread
Aston -- Midna -- 2009-10-08
Re: Aston -- Haggisbreath -- 2009-10-09
Re: Aston -- Midna -- 2009-10-16
Re: Aston -- courselite -- 2009-10-17
Re: Aston -- Midna -- 2009-10-19
Re: Aston -- courselite -- 2009-10-20
Re: Aston -- Midna -- 2009-10-23
Re: Aston -- courselite -- 2009-10-25
Re: Aston -- wendy_h80 -- 2009-10-10
Re: Aston -- Val -- 2009-10-12
Re: Aston -- Budwisner -- 2009-10-12
Re: Aston -- courselite -- 2009-10-13
Re: Aston -- courselite -- 2009-10-15
Re: Aston -- Budwisner -- 2009-10-15

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