View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › WUSE - Robert Stanelle/Ann Zhang - Wuhan, China
Stormhawk38 - 2010-04-02

You may have received an email that starts out like this: "Attention: New Graduates and experienced Alumni..."

I had the displeasure of teaching at Wuhan University of Science of Engineering for one year in the English College. I was recruited by a man named Robert Stanelle, and our foreign affairs officer was named Ann Zhang.

Will you like teaching there? Well...that depends. If you like...

- teaching in a program called Concentration Camp

- listening to outlandish claim after outlandish claim of Robert Stanelle's personal connections, including many major universities and "powerful" Chinese people

- a corrupt school who lost the dean and vice-dean thanks to embezzlement last year

- hearing young students refer to the teaching program as Concentration Camp

- hearing the Chinese teachers do it as well

...then you'll fit right in.

There are other things I've supressed at the moment, but I hope I've made my point well enough.

Is it all bad? No. There were good things about my time here. I just want people to look past the highly disingenuous email about this place and give it full consideration. And if you are a qualified teacher, or someone who is actually interested in teaching, then do not come here. Your colleagues will primarily be people like Robert: the unqualified, all waging little personal battles with each other.

One more thing: while I was there Robert Stanelle was responsible for the harassment of one of the teachers he recruited. After said teacher criticized his name for the teaching program, Concentration Camp, this man told all his students that this teacher was saying "bad" things about China. The teacher in question tried to resolve things with Mr. Stanelle in a healthy manner, but to no avail; the students gathered and vandalized the wall outside his apartment.

WUSE covered it up. They refused to punish the students in question and this teacher was sent on his way.

Bottom line: Robert Stanelle makes this a dangerous place to work at by his constant meddling. He admonished another teacher for sending his resume out, telling him "I told you you're safe" and then gleefully telling everyone who was staying and who was being let go. THAT is the sort of person he is. He has no choice but to be here, despite all claims to the contrary. Basically, you are going into his playhouse, and he will do what he wants...and the school will back him 100%. He spends his time recruiting unqualified recent graduates of American universities and then claims that he can do so due to his "connections". Yeah...

Furthermore, he sells you a total bullshit view of life in Wuhan, at that school, and in China. There are better jobs than teaching English, but if you are a qualified teacher, then there are better ESL jobs out there than this one. Search harder. Please.

I am willing to go into detail about any of this privately. Just let me know.

Messages In This Thread
WUSE - Robert Stanelle/Ann Zhang - Wuhan, China -- Stormhawk38 -- 2010-04-02
Re: WUSE - Robert Stanelle/Ann Zhang - Wuhan, China -- Stormhawk38 -- 2010-04-21
Re: WUSE - Robert Stanelle/Ann Zhang - Wuhan, China -- Robert Stanelle -- 2010-08-26
Re: WUSE - Robert Stanelle/Ann Zhang - Wuhan, China -- Lori Arends -- 2010-11-22
Re: WUSE - Robert Stanelle/Ann Zhang - Wuhan, China -- englishgibson -- 2010-08-27
Re: WUSE - Robert Stanelle/Ann Zhang - Wuhan, China -- Robert Stanelle -- 2010-08-27
Re: WUSE - Robert Stanelle/Ann Zhang - Wuhan, China -- englishgibson -- 2010-08-28
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › WUSE - Robert Stanelle/Ann Zhang - Wuhan, China

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