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mark - 2010-06-26
In response to NETWORK ESL - What are they? (ESL Teacher Looking in China)

hello I cant give you any information on the ins and outs of how the company works but I have used there service once before when I first decided to come to china to work and in the process of using them again, if its the same company we are talking about they are ok, they placed me in a reasonably good job ( i been at the same place for 3 years, you will always face a few hurdles with Chinese employer) they offered me good support in the lead up to finding a job and once I was employed they continued this support by offering to liaise with my employer to sort out a few problems I had when I first arrived, I never had any pressure to take any job on the contrary they simply asked what I was looking for, recommended a few which I declined until I found what I was looking for, also they have native English speakers who work for them who have lived and worked in china and understand the process and the language, who once you are here you can call over the phone for advice and help, if it is your first time to china i recommend you go with some sort of job agency ( make sure its accredited )as you will have a few issues and and the language barrier will kill you ) and proper agencies have the contacts and power to get you out of a bad school at no finaicual cost to yourself, after 3 and a half years I have decided to move on and broaden my horizons and the first first person I contacted was my original handler ( chris johnson ) and they are straight onto finding me a new job, so all in all in my books they have done good by me and i recommend thinking about them to handle your applications, hope this helps you....

p.s china is great place to live and work and if you do the right thing and work hard many doors will open up for you as Chinese people are very appreciative

p.s.s like I stated I used them 3 years ago so hopefully they still offer the same standard of service

Messages In This Thread
NETWORK ESL - An all round good experience -- Hannon -- 2009-06-15
Re: NETWORK ESL - An all round good experience -- Hannon -- 2009-06-16
Re: NETWORK ESL - An all round good experience -- Turino -- 2009-06-16
Really? -- A doubter -- 2009-06-15
Re: NETWORK ESL - An all round good experience -- danny -- 2009-06-15
Re: NETWORK ESL - An all round good experience -- Turino -- 2009-06-15
Re: NETWORK ESL - An all round good experience -- Curious -- 2009-06-15
NETWORK ESL - What are they? -- ESL Teacher Looking in China -- 2010-04-28
Re NETWORK ESL - What are they? -- mark -- 2010-06-26
Re: NETWORK ESL - What are they? -- Smitty -- 2010-04-28
Re: NETWORK ESL - What are they? -- Coppercat -- 2010-04-30
Re: NETWORK ESL - What are they? -- Smitty -- 2010-05-02
Re: NETWORK ESL - What are they? -- Looking in China -- 2010-05-02
Re: NETWORK ESL - What are they? -- Smitty -- 2010-05-04
Re: NETWORK ESL - What are they? -- A Foreigner -- 2010-05-06
Re: NETWORK ESL - What are they? -- Coppercat -- 2010-05-02
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