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james mcgraw - 2010-07-23

Do not sign a contract with WEB English, Jiaxing, China.
This is not the first complaint to be filed against the Web (Webi) English school in Jiaxing, China.
If you are considering taking a job with this company, please think twice. At the very least ask to talk to the Full Time English Teachers.

Web (Webi) English is a very large English training school in China. There are some very professionally run branches of this company. My comments are solely focused on the management and staff of the Jiaxing branch of the Web English Schools.

The management at the Web English in Jiaxing, China will lie to you, try to steal from you, withhold information, withhold pay, and blatantly disobey the law.

My name is James McGraw. I am a good educator, the students will tell you that. By nature, I am not a complainer or troublemaker. I have acted professionally and turned the other cheek many times. I have a good relationship with the students as well as my fellow Foreign English Teachers. This past year we made great progress with many students. My complaint is only with the management of Web English, Jiaxing. They mistreat the teachers and they mistreat the students.

The long story actually reads like a soap opera. I will do my best to keep things brief.

1.) Extortion of Additional Fees Nowhere in the contract is there mention that payment must be made up-front to cover the cost of processing a VISA, a health certificate, or any other documentation. They tell you they want this money (3,000 RMB) to cover expenses after you have flown to China (10,000 RMB), and rented an apartment (10,000 RMB).

2.) Vacation Time The school gives you 5 vacation days after you have worked 7 months. However, you cannot use these 5 vacation days during the 3 months that comprise Summer and Winter holidays. Depending on when your contract start date is, using your vacation days can be a bit difficult.

3.) Larger Work Load No Additional Compensation
Our workload has been 5 classes a day during an 8-hour shift; this was typical. We had been teaching 2-3 English Social Clubs each week; this was not typical. Work weeks have consisted of 2 days on and 1 day off, then 3 days on and 1 day off; this is not typical; Other WEB ENGLISH schools give their faculty 2 days off for the weekend.

Teachers are now required to teach 6 different lessons in an 8-hour period, and they are required to teach 4 to 5 Social Clubs each week. Teachers are not told what they will teach until they get to school. In the course of one week, teachers work with a full range of students from Threshold (no English) to Advanced (speak some conversational English). The teachers are given little or no time to prepare for classes. I understand that we work fewer hours and make more money than a Chinese Teacher, but the workload now is too unreasonable.

4.) Payment at End of Contract Foreign English Teachers often leave the country a few days after completing a working contract due to living permits expiring or Visa renewal issues. Most schools are aware of the timing issues, therefore they pay their employees on the last day of their contract. Web English Jiaxing has taken a policy to only pay Foreign Teachers on the 5th of each month. Good luck getting your final paycheck.

5.) Lying to Students There are many false promises that Web Jiaxing makes when they enroll new students including; special classes that are never offered, special events that are never organized, and private classes that are no longer private. Additionally limitations are placed on the students as to when they can file complaints.

There are plenty of jobs teaching English. There are other branches of the Web English Schools. Stay away from Web English in Jiaxing, China.

Messages In This Thread
Web English / LV Summer - Lydian / Jiaxing China -- james mcgraw -- 2010-07-23
Re: Web English / LV Summer - Lydian / Jiaxing China -- Migrant Worker -- 2010-07-25
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