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Sanguine - 2010-11-22
In response to Re Lingdong Foshan (EU'er)

there were numerous postings about this a while back warning people to stay away. and it seems they are up to the same old tricks!

People can now take this as another warning. Stay away!

It does make you wonder, how people can keep going to work at such places when their are warnings about them all over the internet. A lot of the time this is the fault of the foreign teacher I'll admit. We often come here trusting others too much, without much understanding of Chinese culture. No excuse of course, but if people knew a bit more, they'd be a lot less likely to take what they are told at face value I think. Some of it is also just plain laziness, as google is not a hard tool to use.

Some of it though is the schools fault, or their recruiter, if you are unwise enough to use one, which a lot of newbies are. I have run into schools and agents that have multiple operating names, making it difficult to find reliable information about them and their set up. Doing this is of course a purposeful attempt to avoid any negative press they have gotten in the past from disgruntled ex teachers who have been treated badly. I can tell you how many times I have contacted one place, to find out it was actually another, after a very long and exhaustive list of questions to do so. Many schools, especially private ones, no longer even advertise under their real names. You have to be extra careful these days because of this. You should be extra careful anyways when traveling to a foreign land to work, but too often westerners are far too trusting and naive to realize this and practice due diligence. It is this factor, more than any other, that's get's so many caught in a bad situation that's hard to get out of, and makes life for the rest of us who make a living via teaching so hard. Thank goodness for websites like this, that encourage the sharing of information. If only more people would avail themselves of such resources.

Messages In This Thread
Lingdong Foshan -- not impressed -- 2010-11-20
Re Lingdong Foshan -- Sanguine -- 2010-11-22
Re Lingdong Foshan -- EU'ER -- 2010-11-23
Re Lingdong Foshan -- Sanguine -- 2010-11-24
Re Lingdong Foshan -- EU'ER -- 2010-11-24
Re Lingdong Foshan & ne'er-do-well backpackers -- Oldtimer -- 2010-11-24
Re Lingdong Foshan -- backpacker cum-teacher -- 2010-11-24
Re Lingdong Foshan -- EU'ER -- 2010-11-25
Re Lingdong Foshan -- Sanguine -- 2010-11-20
Re Lingdong Foshan -- Dragonized -- 2010-11-20
Re Lingdong Foshan -- EU'er -- 2010-11-20
Re Lingdong Foshan -- Sanguine -- 2010-11-22
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