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S - 2011-01-08
In response to Kids Herald School in Cheonan (JB)

Honestly, after working for Cheonan Kids Herald School for over a year, the conclusion I have made from these comments is that the previous authors were lazy teachers who came to Korea hoping for an easy job with not too much responsibility. A school is a school, no matter what country you're in. You have to put time in - quality time - to be able to give kids a quality education. When a person doesn't put effort in, they get negative results from their boss.

Please try to find me an employer in the U.S. or anywhere else that won't fire you for doing a crap job in their place of business. Then I'll find your complaints valid.

I in no way have had a stellar year based on how I could be treated working in a school in the states. That being said, every single friend I have working in hogwans here in Korea has some form of drama to report. At least at Cheonan Kids Herald School we get paid on time. Many people in Korea can't say the same thing.

If you want to be a teacher, accept a job here. If you put in 100% of your effort and feel you're doing a good job as a teacher, you'll be received well.

If you're lazy and want a 20 hour a week job with lots of time to play and pretend you're still in college, don't come here. They won't like you. And I don't think anyone should. You're lazy. You're unemployed for a reason. I don't understand all these foreigners coming to Korea and expecting things to be so different from the states or wherever you're coming from. At least you'll be hired! Seems like in the states, many people can't say that any more.

Work hard, as a teacher should, and you'll be fine. The Korean co-workers at this school are the best in the country as far as I've heard. They're great with communication and have become some of my closest friends here. Most of my foreign friends can't say the same.

Take into account the cultural differences before you say no to anything. People who aren't cut out to teach fail here and are bitter so they write really bad reviews. Take that into perspective as well.

Messages In This Thread
Kids Herald School in Cheonan -- JB -- 2004-10-26
Re: Kids Herald School in Cheonan -- derp -- 2012-07-04
Re Kids Herald School in Cheonan -- S -- 2011-01-08
Re Kids Herald School in Cheonan -- El Lawyer -- 2011-01-08
Re: Kids Herald School in Cheonan -- si -- 2008-08-10
Re: Kids Herald School in Cheonan -- Boris Halama -- 2013-07-06
Re: Kids Herald School in Cheonan -- Comrade in Arms -- 2008-08-10
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