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steve - 2011-01-17
In response to Re Claims, claims, claims.... (Foxy)

Ok Foxy/turnoi/tom, whoever you are, Steve, myself, never said anyone was having a 'GAY OLD TIME'. Nope, never said that. That was Tom, I believe. How did we get on the topic of sexual orientation, by the way? You all have turned this website into cloud cuckoo land. People calling each other various names, talking about sexual orientation, taking debates in circles upon circles. I never said everyone was happy with each other. I said they were happy with the school. And I don't really care what you can 'IMAGINE,' although I am beginning to see that much of these responses have more to do with imagination than fact. Personally, I never worked for your last school, so unlike Turnoi, I don't consider myself an authority on it. I have worked at schools were people hated each other as well, and, of course, I am not fond of every teacher. But, these posts have to do with the school, and the teachers being happy with IT. The reason why you can read Turnoi's thoughts easily is because they are so base, so animalistic, that the say, 'LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME! YOU KEVIN! YOU BAD! ME GOOD.' That about sums it up. This is getting insane, and going in circles, when all I said to begin with was that 'I WORK THERE. I KNOW THE TEACHERS. I KNOW no one has complaints with the school.' I, personally, went out with them a few nights ago, and many were talking about staying another year. And really, most of the teachers who work there are very nice people. I apologize if that is hard for you to believe. Don't believe it for all I care. Don't imagine it either, if you don't want to. But it is true. I see it on a daily basis. All I am trying to do is tell the truth, and people are making all kinds of crazy claims (people who have never seen the school) and saying 'Child molester' 'fake school,' talking about homosexuals, and saying 'gay old time' and pretending like I was the one who said it. I must say, this is really becoming ridiculous. The people who waste there all their free time on this site clearly are insane, and just want to fight and insult each other and everyone else. I am ashamed that I have been dragged into this petty, childish, and malicious world.

Messages In This Thread
Re Claims, claims, claims.... -- Foxy -- 2011-01-16
Re Claims, claims, claims.... -- steve -- 2011-01-17
Re Claims, claims, claims.... -- Tom -- 2011-01-17
Re Claims, claims, claims.... -- TL -- 2011-01-16
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