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Easy Rider - 2011-01-23
In response to Beijing Huijia Private School (East Coaster)

To anyone thinking about the idea of working at the Beijing Huijia Private School, perhaps I can chime in. I am currently employed at the Beijing Huijia Private School. I am comfortable typing this document now as I am off of the campus and away from their prying eyes. I am not going to state where I work exactly due to the potential for retribution. I can tell you however that the school which is not really a school, is basically a boarding house for disturbed Chinese kids. Most of the kids are dropped off by parents that don't really care about the kids and they are tired of the kids being kicked out of other schools elsewhere. There are no valid placement tests to measure the students' level of achievement at other schools. The school does not provide a valid curriculum. That is true. There is no syllabus of any kind that I have ever seen. The teachers are by and far some of the most unqualified teachers that I have ever seen in China. I should qualify that by saying further that there are a few licensed teachers there. As to why they are there, I don't know. The comments on here that make reference to drinking heavily is true. The housing at the Beijing Huijia Private School is not at all within the SAFEA guidelines. Many FT's have fallen ill and one nearly died. She is still in France and may never return. Many teachers believe that they were made sick from something in the teachers building. Another woman has cancer but no one knows if that could be connected to the housing situation. Several teachers are chronically ill and many have various forms of allergic reactions. The smoke from the coal stack pipe blows directly into the teachers' housing unit area and that certainly cannot be good for anyone. Someone else on here addressed the bowling alley, they gym, and other areas of the school being closed down, and those statements are true. Another person commented about the school being far off the beaten path which is also true. The illegal or black taxis as they are called, are saturating the school. There are no real taxis anywhere to be found and so a ride that might cost 12 RMB costs a minimum of 20 RMB. Those opportunists sit there all day at the east gate and prey on foreigners who don't have cars or find it too cold to ride a bike. When I signed my contract and for the first few weeks, I thought that things were more or less OK. Over time I regretted my own stupidity for believing anything that anyone such as Amanda Chen or Joy Yu ever told me as they were all lies. Like most teachers at Huijia, I will not resign. I have been visiting many other schools and submitting my resume and I have gotten some hopeful news from a few perspective employers in the Beijing area. I was frankly and directly asked by one international school why I would ever sign with Huijia in the first place and that question says a lot. The school overall looks nice online and if you walk around the owner's house, things appear normal enough. But if you really pay attention you will see that the Beijing Huijia Private School is really another prime example of how well the Chinese can build a front or place a face on something and sell it well. They are masters at making a box of crap look like a bowl of sunshine. Think of the Beijing Huijia Private School like a trap because that is exactly what it is. A trap. They get you sniffing, they show you a few samples, and then get you feeling good about about the deal and then when you sign the contract, their friendly masks fall off and their lizard skins are exposed. The family that owns the Beijing Huijia Private School could make a mint selling snake oil because that is exactly what they are in fact best at doing. Stay far and away from the school and don't fall into the pit like many teachers did. If you can speak and understand Chinese it is worth listening to just what they say about the foreigners and none of it is good. The owners of the Beijing Huijia Private School are laughing all the way to the bank and their students and teachers are crying in the isles. Its a lose lose situation.

Fix or condemn building 10

Messages In This Thread
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Re: Beijing Huijia Private School -- The Responder/Punisher -- 2012-10-31
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Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Beth -- 2011-01-20
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- TL -- 2011-01-19
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- just some guy -- 2011-01-20
Beijing Huijia Private School -- East Coaster -- 2011-01-21
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Easy Rider -- 2011-01-23
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