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My post on the other thread hasnt appeared, and it was definitely more than ten hours ago I posted it. Two new posts have appeared since. Maybe Im being censored because I dared to go after one of the regular posters on this forum. Well, Im going to do it again and I hope you read it. Seeing as I was called a prick, and you guys evidently consider yourselves righteous, you must understand that I have a right to be read.

Cunning Linguist, you are a moron who is utterly devoid of both perspective and the facts at hand. I owned you on the other thread and I am going to own you again on this one.

Background: follow this link to see the previous thread.;read=35459;expand=1#m_35459

Cunning Linguist has critiqued my posts from the above thread in this thread. How brave of him. But its just the usual nonsense Ive seen on this forum since I heard about it a few days ago. Its the usual tabloid/troll rhetorical devices he has employed to try to argue against me; being selective in what he responds to, accusations of double standards while oblivious of his own ones, missing the point of what Im saying and forming conclusions based upon misinterpretations of what is going on. Its boring replying to this kind of thing, but just so no-one can convince themselves of a cop-out on my part, Ive responded to what he wrote in more detail at the bottom of this post, marked with three asterisks.

Now let me explain something to you, because you wont figure it out for yourself: Unhappy Camper is very obviously not who he says he is. Its clearly the guy who had previously been the boss of the middle school. How can I be so sure? Well, he has an incredible amount of information about the guy who got sacked (i.e. the boss in the middle school) AND he takes a great deal of offence at the few words written by Just A Teacher who mentions a bit of dishonesty on the part of one of the guys who got the sack. Look at the amount of detail he goes in to following a short comment in parenthesis! He does also deny being one of the teachers (no-one had accused him of it) and although that sounds plausible, it isn't to anyone who works here. Why? Out of all of the foreign teachers on campus (i.e. the only people who could write fluently, and lets assume the students arent involved in this) there isnt one who is a good enough friend of his to have that level of disclosure and then feel comfortable taking it to the Internet. That post is the wounded pride of a man who is throwing around terms such as moral bankruptcy despite knowing that he himself lied on his CV to get the job here. He was a perfect match for our big bosses until he got found out. He even writes dont get caught is the maxim of the school. Well, he should know! He simply didnt have enough of a connection with anyone during his three months here for them to have all of this information and feel comfortable speaking on his behalf on the Internet like that. We left him to himself and he maintained an aloof air right up until he got the boot and we knew all about him and his strange episodes at the middle school because it was common talk at the much-derided Village Bar. He repeatedly claimed to his employees that he had a Harvard PhD which is obviously crap. And then one of the teachers called up Harvard; no record of him at all. Obviously.

And then you are criticizing Just a Teacher who sums it all up perfectly. He explains things how they are. Notice how his post is calmly written, gets to the point and is full of sensible explanation of both the positives and the negatives. He just makes a brief mention of the guy who was fired for dishonesty, who (as Ive just said) is active in these threads and no doubt will read this. You, Cunning Linguist, and some of the other idiots with nothing better to do that regularly post on this website like Turnoi, have absolutely no perspective at all. You are readily agreeing with the negative, accepting it as self-evident, yet are completely suspicious of anyone who hints at a bit of positive. It seems that well-written positive comments may even be censored. Even though many of the more extreme negatives are openly being questioned in this thread, its just another case of seeing what you want to see and explaining away what doesnt support what you believe. Its called the Confirmation Bias, and it is strong on this website. Huijia has its problems plenty of things suck but plenty of things are all right, too. For what its worth to any neutral person, or anyone considering a job here: Just A Teacher has gone in to a level of detail about the lifestyle at this place that would be hard to find for pretty much any other school. If you read that, you wont be surprised by too much here.

Let me say it again, not that you will accept it: you are 100% completely and utterly wrong in your analysis, Cunning Linguist. No buts, no howevers you are wrong about this. Fully wrong. You dont have enough information and are falling for the trolling of a deranged person. A man would deal with this and move on. I dont know what youll do. Nor do I know what makes you think Just A Teacher is being dishonest. And the biggest reason for that is that you havent explained why. You just said it. J- I mean Unhappy Camper is trying to get revenge on the school. Everyone at the school knows it. He has proven this by bringing up the Chinese school (if you can call it that) that is ran by a diligent colleague for only teachers of the school and absolutely not for profit. Nothing to do with the school's management. The only people getting paid for that are the Chinese girls who do the teaching. And theyre paid well by the way, because believe it or not were a good group of people and have something of a community up here. And no, no-one is trying to bang them if that's where your mind went. It is absolutely nothing to do with this issue but you nevertheless pathetically try to relate this to the school by saying that the school should organize Chinese lessons for their staff. Well, I know about a few international schools full of real teachers in China, and none of them do that. So once again, you dont know what youre talking about. Surprise, surprise. He also writes ominous stuff like I know who you are, without declaring who he himself is, which is something that stalkers do. Thats because hes doing everything he can on this message board to harm the school without the slightest consideration of how his actions may hurt some peoples feelings and maybe even cause problems for others. It is craven. And credulous morons like you are helping him, the whole time presumably considering yourself to be something of a noble muckraker.

You reposted the bit where I said Im leaving. So? Does that mean Im not allowed to defend the place Im at just because Im leaving at the end of my contract.

So, as youre all so willing to talk about us, now its time for me to talk about you. I think Ive got the measure of this stupid forum and some of the regular posters on here. Not all of them, but many of them.

You were right about the libel/slander thing. Well, Im a teacher, not a lawyer, but thats a mistake Ill never make again. However, just a few lines after pointing that out, you called me a condescending prick - and that definitely makes you an oblivious moron. At least I know when Im doing it. And you know something else, Ill do it again. Idiots like you who throw around opinions and harsh judgments about people and things that they know nothing about need to be occasionally reminded that the only reason they get away with it is that nobody cares enough about them to do anything.

Also, Tom, there is no 10pm lockdown, yet you are talking about it like its a fact. Actually people sneak girls in all the time. You know how I know? Ive done it many times. Also, when you call Asian girls Little Lotus Blossum, you sound like a paedophile.

Disgusgted, I know JAT personally and your description of him is so woefully off the mark that you deserve a good firm slap on the mouth.

So who are these guys talking smack about our school? Basically, were talking about ESL stereotypes; whingers, cry-babies, people who hate the lifestyle that they are trapped in. Theyre surrounded in an alien environment that they hate but afraid of returning home because of the loss of status, disposable income and the fact that pretty girls will ignore you or diss you rather than try to marry you. Theyve got the measure of the environment, but see everything in negative terms; complain in a smart-assed way that lacks attention to detail that the locals hate. The kind of guy that the smart and worldly Chinese girls are suspicious that you might be when you tell them youre a teacher. Imagine an immigrant back in your home country, talking with the tone of Ive figured them out, and theyre mostly conmen, even when they are absolutely unfamiliar with the basic facts of the particular situation were talking about. What would you think of someone like that in England? Send the bastard back, you might say and I wouldnt begrudge you that. Especially if the guy hadnt bothered to learn the language of the country he lives in and opines about.

Like my colleague, Just a Teacher, who gave you guys an honest breakdown of the situation, for which you thanked him by agreeing with the guy whose crazy rant blatantly has an agenda (and, to those of us familiar with the situation can clearly see to be lies), and accused him of being dishonest, I wont be coming back here. Because, what this forum and indeed website boils down to in the end is not so much a useful service to people, as a wankfest of mutually psychologically re-enforcing losers.


Boring retort promised above:
*** (this paragraph will be boring) he is selectively responding to what Ive said and even admits it, with some vague justification about only certain parts being relevant to him (i.e. hes only going to pick at a few things and ignore everything else). All he can really do is make a big deal out of the fact that I called someone a fascist with no mention (obviously) of the nature of the serious allegations made against my friends and I, many of which would immediately cost me my job if they became accepted as the truth. He also accused me of being a hypocrite, but he did it in a very stupid way, as I show later in the post below. The rest of his attack is vague criticisms that usually miss the point of what is going on. For example, he read and reposted the line I wrote about how Huijia is definitely not toxic on your CV despite what another poster had said, but did this make him rethink his analysis of the school? Did this make him question the trustworthiness of some of the submissions? Well, his response to that point was BUT IM NOT AN AMERICAN! I had responded to two posts, one after the other and the confusion comes from this. Thats what happens when you read something looking to contradict it rather than to understand it.

Messages In This Thread
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- THEKING_HASRETURNED -- 2011-02-24
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- rural reporter -- 2011-02-24
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Tom -- 2011-02-25
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Tom -- 2011-02-24
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