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Crap School Spotter - 2011-05-28

Network ESL is a scam., and [edited] are all scams. What they are trying to do is cash in on teachers and they are all trying to make money. Making money is fine but making money unethically is fraud. sells packages to teachers to be "featured" in a list of low wage jobs for China, most of which are a joke. Their TESOL program is an utter embarrassment an that is in fact pure fraud. [edited] is another scam and again, these scams are trying to essentially cash in on common teachers looking for a valid job. Network ESL tries to use cover emails and cover URL's as well a creating fake emails on various jobs so that you write to the supposed "employer" at as an example thinking that you are writing the school directly, when in fact, it goes back to Network ESL. Angelina's Cafe is also a huge scam at they repeatedly CLAIM they offer jobs with wages up to 37,500 RMB per month . When pressed to produce information on that job it is supposedly a Montessori school in Shanghai. A quick call to some people I know in Shanghai that teach Montessori program and have done so for years, confirm that no one in Shanghai running any Montessori school anywhere is paying 37,500 RMB per month. KAPLAN is also running several scams out of Qingdao lately under the guise of a supposed international school. Those jobs are being offered via Aubrey at Tiger ESL.

In the case of Web sites like Network ESL offering "Direct Contact" with the school you want....Yeah, exactly. DIRECT CONTACT is always best and you don't need them to call, fax, or email any school yourself DIRECTLY.

As for the whole "Verified Email" bit...concerning recruiters...

This forum needs to post VERIFIED credentials from recruiters so that anyone can click and see their names, staff, address, phone, fax, Web site, email and business licenses and tax certificates.

Most recruiters are SCUM. MANY recruiters sell your personal data or trade it after you give it to them.

ESL VOICE is another SCAM to watch out for too. Again, more theft, fraud, lying, cheating, and stealing.

I am half tempted to run my own damn Web site for teachers and make it FREE and SECURE. The idea is that teachers can list their valid credentials and before schools can have access (PAID), they will submit all of their documents and the same is true for recruiters.

No tickee, no shirtee.

Getting into direct contact wit any school in China is easy. It is not hard, secret, or magic. You look it up online, you find a number and you make a call. Most colleges have people that can speak English. If you really want a job at college X, have a translator call them for you and get the specific department you want.

Or just post a question here and someone will help you for free.

FYI: I currently have 3 fake teachers looking for a job on and for more than 1-year none of the 3 have been given any valid offers from anyone other than the usual auto bot notifications of new postings.

I have two fake teachers seeking jobs with Angelina's Cafe....again nothing.

I have one fake teacher seeking a job with Horizon and although that fake teacher did get a few hits, they were all well under 6000 RMB per month and in shite schools.

With Network ESL I went all out and I have created 12 fake teacher profiles and none of those yielded any valid results in over 1 year.

I also find that if you are not a newbie, they won't touch you. If you have been in China and if you know the deal, the real deal, many of the recruiters drop you like a hot potato because they don't want to waste time trying to fill you with shite about how great it is to live and work in China.

Please use decoy resumes (fake resumes) when looking for a job. I don't mean you lie about you and your experience, I mean to test the waters of a potential employer first. Let them talk to your "character" and see where it goes and if it is a scam, so what? On the other hand, if it is real, then you write them directly and apply after it looks good and everything checks out.

You have no damn idea who is on the other end of the email. It could be some nut in Nigeria, Ghana, a North Korean, or even embassies spying on their citizens abroad. It could also be a marketing company.

Speaking of that there is also a large scale SCAM going on in Beijing now with a company claiming to be part of Microsoft and the female there uses an English name of "Veronica". I believe the company name is something like Wirosoft or something similar.

When I use fake characters I even get the same HR agent to lying to all of my characters. One person is told the wage is X and for another person they are told the wage is Y, and so forth. One character is told that they have a fully furnished apartment and for the other character they are told it is shared housing and again, WTF?

In China, in education, it is impossible to be honest, kind and forthcoming because the employers sure as hell will not be. Kindness in China is a sign of weakness and the Chinese feel that they can play your for a bitch.

Reverse that process. Screw onto them before they screw you.

As for Network ESL and any of them....

Please log on, post your credentials in plain view and let the world see them, or STFU-ASAP. Stop trying to screw some poor bastard trying to earn a living.

Messages In This Thread
Network ESL, - China -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-05-28
Re: -- Bey -- 2013-08-26
Re: -- Sarah Taylor -- 2013-08-26
crap comment spotter -- Stephanus Plutarch Alexander -- 2013-02-03
Re: crap comment spotter -- ASTF -- 2013-02-05
Re: crap comment spotter -- San Migs -- 2013-02-05
Re: crap comment spotter -- faker -- 2013-02-05
Re: crap comment spotter -- Mancunian -- 2013-02-04
Re: crap comment spotter -- Curious -- 2013-02-05
Re Network ESL, - China -- Kevin -- 2011-07-05
Re Network ESL, -- Dragonized -- 2011-05-29
Re: Re Network ESL, -- truthiness -- 2011-08-29
Re Network ESL, -- Bai Lin -- 2011-06-02
Re Network ESL, -- Dragonized -- 2011-06-02
Re Network ESL, -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-06-03
Re Network ESL, -- Dragonized -- 2011-06-03
Re Network ESL, -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-06-03
Re Network ESL, -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-05-30
Re Network ESL, -- Dragonized -- 2011-05-30
Re Network ESL, -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-05-31
Re Network ESL, -- San Mig Beer -- 2011-05-31
Re Network ESL, -- Dragonized -- 2011-05-31
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