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Interested party - 2011-06-07
In response to Re: Wall Street English (Crap School Spotter)

Well thanks for that informative and detailed explanation of why working for Wall Street would not be in my interest. C.R.A.P is such a constructive term to use, why would I need any more information than that!!

I have worked in the public sector of the education system in China, three times now to be exact. Each experience was hampered with an unprofessional hierarchy, broken promises and frustration. That does not mean I am saying there are not employers out there who would be worth my time and effort but what it does show is that the public sector is not all milk and honey, it comes with its fair share of problems just like any employer in China, especially an employer which is Chinese owned and Chinese run.

I am interested in Wall Street because I have heard some good things about them. They are owned by a very reputable UK company with a track record of producing quality materials for language learning and most of the Management are westerners and have to adhere to Pearson's work procedures. The whole business model is based on a western perspective and is what you would expect to deal with in your own country, they even have outlets in countries like the UK and the US.

Have you worked at Wall Street? Do you have any specific information which might be useful as opposed to just telling me C.R.A.P a number of times? Wall Street do deal with SAFEA. In fact the requirements for a job there include having a CELTA or Trinity approved TEFL and they also require you to have a real degree. Unlike many private schools who are happy to accept any degree mill certificate for the purposes of obtaining your Visa Wall Street require it for the job description and I am reliably informed that they will need to contact your University to verify the authenticity before employing you.

Does anyone else have anything remotely useful to add, perhaps related to the questions I asked.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Wall Street English -- Interested party -- 2011-06-06
Re: Wall Street English -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-06-06
Re: Wall Street English -- Interested party -- 2011-06-07
Re: Wall Street English -- John -- 2011-12-02
Re: Wall Street English -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-06-07
Re: Wall Street English -- John -- 2011-11-29
Re: Wall Street English -- Fabian Londono -- 2011-07-14
Re: Wall Street English -- Dragonized -- 2011-07-14
Re: Wall Street English -- Interested party -- 2011-06-08
Re: Wall Street English -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-06-22
Re: Wall Street English -- Interested Party -- 2011-06-24
Re: Wall Street English -- Riverina -- 2011-06-24
Re: Wall Street English -- Interested Party -- 2011-06-25
Re: Wall Street English -- Riverina -- 2011-06-25
Re: Wall Street English -- Interested party -- 2011-06-07
Re: Wall Street English -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-06-07
Re: Wall Street English -- Silver Sedge -- 2011-06-07
Re: Wall Street English -- Silver Sedge -- 2011-06-06
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