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Crap School Spotter - 2011-06-07
In response to Re: Wall Street English (Interested party)

Well then you are really in trouble since your university, assuming that you are an American citizen is precluded by law from releasing any information about your student records.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA or the Buckley Amendment) is a United States federal law codified at 20 U.S.C. 1232g. So unless you waive all of your rights, and thereby leave your files and records open in your physical absence from the school for anyone to get access thereafter, that will be a little difficult and the school not wanting to be sued for hundreds of millions of dollars are usually likely to comply with some clown from China calling them and wanting your personal information.

As for specifics, Wall Street is a well-known fly-by-night agency with low standards. They have been sued a number of times in China for not paying wages, and they have had a host of other problems to include business licensing issues. That is to say that they specifically and illegally ran centers in China without the legal authority to do so, much less hire foreigners. Their so-called "regional manager" is a brain dead idiot, who, if memory serves me right, was from India and his own command of the English language was less than stellar.

The try and sell business English programs to major foreign owned companies and the interesting part about that is, many of their "teachers" are about 25-years old. Assuming the started college at the age of 18 and earned a 4-year degree, the next question is, how much "business English" experience in real world corporate scenarios could they possibly have?

Many of their so-called "proprietary materials" are clearly copies of other C.R.A.P. from some other C.R.A.P. school just like them.

With regard to SAFETY they are one of the worst EVER in China.

EXAMPLE: The place schools in shopping malls without access to clear escape routes and they don't have in-house fire suppression systems. They use glass walls in between their "class rooms" also extremely stupid from a safety point of view, and never mind the obvious needs of creating a conducive learning environment.

EXAMPLE: I have been to two shopping malls in a nearby city where they have a school in each mall. One is on the TOP FLOOR of a shopping mall. In the event of a fire or an earthquake, how do you propose to get 100 or more students out of the building safely after getting around some 100,000 shoppers that are already CRAMMED far over capacity into a shopping mall that would clearly fail any and all ADA standards, much less globally accepted fire and safety standards? Will you take the elevators? Or will you take the BLOCKED STAIRWELLS?

Their ultra-high pressure sales pitches on the people that enter their dens of hell would make most used car salesmen run for cover.

I could go on, but I like the word C.R.A.P. to address any and all schools that are, well...C.R.A.P., since most anyone can easily understand the word C.R.A.P. and it is universal.

So you just go on with your well-educated self and leave us dumb F's that don't know squat about living, and working in China to miss all of the amazing opportunities that places like Wall Street offer. Gosh, I must be as stupid as a stump for not running to the nearest Wall Street ESL mill.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Wall Street English -- Interested party -- 2011-06-06
Re: Wall Street English -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-06-06
Re: Wall Street English -- Interested party -- 2011-06-07
Re: Wall Street English -- John -- 2011-12-02
Re: Wall Street English -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-06-07
Re: Wall Street English -- John -- 2011-11-29
Re: Wall Street English -- Fabian Londono -- 2011-07-14
Re: Wall Street English -- Dragonized -- 2011-07-14
Re: Wall Street English -- Interested party -- 2011-06-08
Re: Wall Street English -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-06-22
Re: Wall Street English -- Interested Party -- 2011-06-24
Re: Wall Street English -- Riverina -- 2011-06-24
Re: Wall Street English -- Interested Party -- 2011-06-25
Re: Wall Street English -- Riverina -- 2011-06-25
Re: Wall Street English -- Interested party -- 2011-06-07
Re: Wall Street English -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-06-07
Re: Wall Street English -- Silver Sedge -- 2011-06-07
Re: Wall Street English -- Silver Sedge -- 2011-06-06
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