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Sam Bennetts - 2011-06-24
In response to English in Action, Slovakia (Nickole Laird)

I am currently working for this company which is has now replaced the english in action program with something similar called Active English weeks. The school occasionally appears disorganised to teachers on the ground but this is more to do with the inherently chaotic nature of slovak buraecracy.

Slovakia is an extremely poor country with a quarter of the population living on a post tax income of 150 euros. Most Sidas teachers earn between 400 and 1000 euros a month depending on hours worked. I can be contacted by if anyone has further questions.

All staff are on contracts unless they specifically decline them and some longer term staff have permanent contracts with associated health care benefits. I think it is a matter of personal opinion and career teachers or those looking for a high standard of living or consistentcy should probably not work for Sidas or any other company in Eastern Europe.

Slovak culture is disorganised and improvisational and many towns lack anything but the most basic workers hostels - I think this is a fantastic job for people looking for an adventure or an opportunity to see a beautiful country from the back streets. I am aware that some people do not enjoy the experience but to be honest I think that is more to do with them not liking Eastern European wages, culture and accomodation than any flaw on the companies part.

Disclaimer: I posted this here on my own intiative and recognizance, I was not asked to post this by my employer and this is not an official communication on their behalf - I am posting it because I am enjoying my job and look forward to meeting anyone who reads this and wants to come and join me!

Messages In This Thread
English in Action, Slovakia -- Nickole Laird -- 2009-03-26
Re English in Action, Slovakia -- Sam Bennetts -- 2011-06-24
Re English in Action, Slovakia -- unhappy -- 2011-07-06
Re English in Action, Slovakia -- Geri Solomon -- 2016-03-12
Re: English in Action, Slovakia -- Gen -- 2009-11-02
Re: English in Action, Slovakia -- Derek -- 2009-05-07
Re: English in Action, Slovakia -- gaidysozys -- 2009-04-07
Re: English in Action, Slovakia -- Benjamin Taylor -- 2009-06-15
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