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Interested Party - 2011-06-29
In response to Re: Wall Street English (Crap School Spotter)

Tell me, which operating system are you currently using on your computer? And what exactly is everyone else using?



Now look at this:



The two biggest leaders in the field of computer hardware and software also appear not to be able to stay out of court either. So with that in mind based on what you have just said and I quote:

"why would you even think about working for any business that cannot stay out of court? "

I assume you would also include the use of any products produced by a company which cannot stay out of court too considering you mentioned a restaurant and asked if I would eat there.

So what about people using any products created by these two companies CCS? I wager that pretty much everyone here will be using one or the other, including yourself.

Which search engine did you use to find the info? Google, Yahoo, Alta Vista? Another leading engine.

If so, try searching their names and see just how many appearances they have in court too for various reasons.

Perhaps we should not search info on the web anymore either because of this fact. Perhaps we should stop using the internet.

As for the comment about a restaurant you have not elaborated on what they may be in court for. Obviously if it was due to serious breaches of hygiene resulting in death or illness then then answer would be NO.

But to make any kind of comparison to Pearson and working for them the comparison would have to be something which effects your working conditions. Like being in court for discrimination, failure to pay salary or abide by the contractual agreement. Looking at the list of court appearances they have none of them are for such reasons. They all relate to trademark and copyrights.

I am sorry but I really do not see after looking through ALL of the court appearances listed any real reason why Pearson would be a poor company to work for. Plus there are no specific appearances for Wall Street themselves. They are all to do with material publishers.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Wall Street English -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-06-28
Re: Wall Street English -- Interested Party -- 2011-06-28
Re: Wall Street English -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-06-29
Re: Wall Street English -- Anon -- 2011-07-15
Re: Wall Street English -- Interested Party -- 2011-06-30
Re: Wall Street English -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-06-30
Re: Wall Street English -- Interested Party -- 2011-06-30
Re: Wall Street English -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-06-29
Re: Wall Street English -- Interested Party -- 2011-06-28
Re: Wall Street English -- Crap School Spotter -- 2011-06-28
Re: Wall Street English -- Interested Party -- 2011-06-29
Re: Wall Street English -- Googler -- 2011-06-28
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