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Mr Asia - 2011-06-29

You might be in luck! I have heard on the grapevine that there is some guy called "Sang Xing" who specializes in hiring unqualified FT with no experience and no degree. Backwaters seem to be a specialty of his. And no Z visa, no RP, no problem, this fellow can get you the sort of job you want.

Some more good news: Apparantely Sang Xing has a dating agency, to hook Westerners and Chinese people up with each other. And it is free!
What a great guy to provide this service for free. As for hookers, you are also in luck, as Sang Xing has a plentiful and cheap supply of them also.

As for China being a place with low education standards, you bet it is! This whole friggin country is sub-standard IMHO! But that's good in a way: Cheap beer, cheap Chinese food, plenty of cheap sexy whores, dude, what more could a man want?

As for the Chinese non-whores, they are pretty easy also, and are happy to put out for a foreigner, even for older ones.

Welcome to China, hope all your dreams come true!

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