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Ron - 2011-07-01

It has turned out to have been one of my better ideas to have started this thread. My special thanks go out to you, Alex, Mr Asia, and Foxy, in particular, for having supplied the names of special recruiters. I've contacted all three of them. Two are busy working on my behalf at this time, but one of them hssn't responded yet, which probably means there is no job for me there on this occasion. All I need to know now is what would constitute the lowest acceptable monthly pay for an unqualified native speaker of English like me living rent-free in a poor Chinese backwater. I estimate that I'd need 1000 RMB/four weeks for tarts.

"I need enough money to eat out in small, dirty restaurants, smoke profusely, and drink gallons of beer in my apartment. (And I need some money left over at the end of each month to pay for the services of a common tart, needn't be very beautiful.)"

Finally, I shouldn't forget to thank Foxy once more, this time for his suggestions for food. As it hsppens, egg and chips is one of my favourite home-cooked meals, and I also eat toast for breakfast every day. What's more, I love the hottest Indian curries, namely Vindaloo and Tindaloo, so I'm sure I'll enjoy chewing dried red chillis with my meals after landing in China.

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