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Kevin - 2011-07-08
In response to Re Gold Star Recruitment (San Miguel Beer)

If you meet a skank at a bar that's fine, go to a sauna and pleasure yourself I could not care less. You can meet women like those you have described throughout the world. you seem to have missed the point entirely I am talking about the young girls lured into their teachers bedrooms with no idea what is happening. the teacher promises them romantic love then casts them aside like a used condom. The promises of romance dissipate right after the FT gets their rocks off. If you are that kind of FT then shame on you, if not then do what you want. Do not try to justify that kind of behavior by saying Chinese men do it so why shouldn't the foreigners. If you are the kind of scumbag that has no principals and will willingly treat these children as such then you deserve to rot in hell, if not then you have nothing to worry about. Taking advantage of the innocent can never be justified unless of course you are a scumbag. I am sure anyone living in china has met their fair share of scumbags and degenerates which will continue to happen as long as people stay silent about this kind of reprehensible behavior.
Are you trying to say it is ok? Are you arguing that taking advantage of children is not a bad thing? If you are then it is obvious what kind of human being you are.

Messages In This Thread
Re Gold Star Recruitment -- San Miguel Beer -- 2011-07-07
Re Gold Star Recruitment -- Kevin -- 2011-07-08
Re Gold Star Recruitment -- Lucy -- 2011-07-08
Re Gold Star Recruitment -- Dragonized -- 2011-07-08
Re Gold Star Recruitment -- Kevin -- 2011-07-08
Re Gold Star Recruitment -- San Migs -- 2011-07-09
Re Gold Star Recruitment -- Kevin -- 2011-07-09
Re Gold Star Recruitment -- Kevin -- 2011-07-09
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