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Kevin - 2011-07-11
In response to Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment (Dragonized)

Nowhere in any of my posts have I said anything to show support for Chinese men, I can understand some of their animosity but I do not agree with it. Any time someone comes here and does not follow the Chinese bashing that goes on here they are instantly criticized for it. I am sure you saw in my initial post to the one who was suprised by the overly zealous and sarcastic response I talked about how certain scumbags on this site would go on to attack anyone with anything positive to say. I say that these people are degenerate scumbags who ttake advantage of young women with little to no life experience. Anyone anywhere that takes advantage of people is a scumbag in my mind, regardless of where they are from. There are plenty of chinese scumbags out there but to say all Chinese men are is just ridiculous. The claims that "the worst foreign man is better than the best chinese man" or "foreign men provide the love that Chinese men can't" is not only ridiculous but it is incredibly arrogant as well.
As you saw with the post from that woman Lucy there are foreigners here that have no idea what is happening in china with regards to morally challenged FT using their position at the university. As there is little to control them they can move from town to town once the heat gets turned up and do whatever they please all over again. The foreigners that know these people and say nothing about their atrocious behavior are not doing anyone any favors. By saying that the Chinese behave badly allows us to behave badly seems to me to be a weak argument. I kow that many of the Chinese are racist and view Foreigners as a necessary evil but that does not mean I should treat them horribly and take advantage of them whenever I can. At the end of the day they are human being s, some bad some good but ultimately not to be treated like dogs or playthings.
By living here and showing them that not all foreigners are barbarians there will be some that learn and grow from the experience. If a foreigner however uses this country as a playground they then help to reinforce the ideas.
Saying that because Chines men treat women horribly it is alright for the FT to indisciminately sex up whoever he likes sounds an awful lot like claiming a woman was raped because she was dressed too provacatively. The fact is that there are those here who will take advantage of those with little to no lifew experience and try to justify it. Why should anyone listen to their opinions on anything else when they act like the scumbags they claim they hate. There is no way i am going to change my mind on this no matter how often these scumbags claim that the Chinese deserve this behavior. Anyone with a shred of decency would have to agree, of course because I am making a stand and defying certain scumbags here I will be deemed a sympathizer and not worth listening to.
You asked what it was that made me dislike foreigners here and I can simply say that I have met enough people here that treat other human beings like dirt. There are plenty of Chinese people that I have nothing to do with for that reason as well and if I was on a site like China daily I would be writing what I believe there. Just because I am living in china does not mean that I have to abandon my principles.
So for the scumbags that try to justify their behavior I say shame on you and when Karma comes and gives you your comeuppance do not expect any sympathy from me. Nor will I agree with anything you might spout off as it is obvious you are flawed and therefore not deserving of any regard.

Messages In This Thread
Re Gold Star Recruitment -- Kevin -- 2011-07-08
Re Gold Star Recruitment -- San Miguel Beer -- 2011-07-09
Re Gold Star Recruitment -- Kevin -- 2011-07-09
Re Gold Star Recruitment -- San Migs -- 2011-07-10
Re Gold Star Recruitment -- Kevin -- 2011-07-10
Re Gold Star Recruitment -- Dragonized -- 2011-07-10
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment -- Kevin -- 2011-07-11
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment -- San Migs -- 2011-07-12
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment -- Kevin -- 2011-07-12
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment -- San Migs -- 2011-07-13
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment -- Brett -- 2011-07-11
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment -- Kevin -- 2011-07-13
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment -- Dragonized -- 2011-07-11
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment -- Kevin -- 2011-07-11
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment -- Dragonized -- 2011-07-12
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment -- Kevin -- 2011-07-12
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment -- Dragonized -- 2011-07-12
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment -- Natural Selection -- 2011-07-12
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment -- Kevin -- 2011-07-12
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment -- Mr Superiority -- 2011-07-26
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment -- Kevin -- 2011-07-26
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment -- Mr Superior -- 2011-07-26
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment -- Kevin -- 2011-07-27
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment -- Mr Superiority -- 2011-07-27
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment -- Kevin -- 2011-07-27
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment -- Dick -- 2011-07-26
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment -- A Whispering Mongolian Pony -- 2011-07-27
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment -- Kevin -- 2011-07-26
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment -- Dick -- 2011-07-27
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment -- Dragonized -- 2011-07-27
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment -- Dick -- 2011-07-27
Re: Re Gold Star Recruitment -- Kevin -- 2011-07-27
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