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Not Happy - 2011-08-16

This is to warn anyone who is even remotely thinking about working for EWHA in Qingdao. This school is run by corrupt Koreans. The korean teaching staff enjoy beating the students, pulling their hair and you can imagine what else. The teachers come to school drunk and have no desire to be in China. They hate all other nationalities, especially China. They believe that they are the master race and do not consider anyone else even remotely good enough to do what they do. They begrudge the fact that they need foriegn English teachers and only hire them because they have to. They do not support the foriegn teaching staff and do as much as they can to belittle them and make them feel useless because that is what they believe that foreigners are, useless. They will lie to you when they are trying to get you into the school but when you arrive you will be met with a lax none caring attitude. They will not care if you live in a shoe box or a black mold infested apartment like one teacher had to. His son became extremely ill and had to have a lot of medical word done on him to reverse the deadly effects of the black mold. They fired the teacher telling him that he was too sick to work at the school and told the students that he had quit because of illness. They will lie and cheat you out of whatever they can. They will tell you that you only have to be at school for classes but when you arrive you find out that you have to stay at the school from 8am to 5pm with only 40 minutes for lunch. They provide a lunch but it is gross korean food. I have had nice korean food but they don't serve that and they don't care what you feel about anything. They will tell you that you get two months paid holiday but when the time for the holiday comes they will tell you that you do not qualify for some reason or another or they will fire you just before the holiday so they don't have to pay you. Nothing they say is the truth and you will feel that you are in danger and the reason is, you are. The place deals with the korean mafia and this corrupt faction is around all the time. The positive comments that you read about them are all lies. A couple of teachers were hired and promised z visa and the school told them that they are doing the paperwork and when the time came to give them their fec and residence stamp in their passports they came up with some excuse or another. Eventually they were told that a policeman will tell them that they can work in China legally with a L (vistors) visa. This is a cop that is on their payroll and will tell you anything. When you are caught you will have to pay 10,00rmb and then be deported out of the country and be redflagged and not allowed back in for up to 5 years just because a bunch of greedy corrupt koreans don't want to do what they need to do. They are proud of the fact that they do not follow the law in China and tell people that they don't have to because they are korean. It is a disgusting school and they are abusing the students and not giving them the education they are paying for. Do yourself a huge favour and stay far away from this evil, and I do mean evil, school.

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EWHA, Qingdao, China -- Not Happy -- 2011-08-16
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