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C. Worthington - 2011-10-02
In response to Re: On Western bullies and their guanxi (confused@sfls)

This post sounds like Kevin the Bevin. It's his style. It's his usual tricks. It's his usual lack of honesty. It's his usual way of posting under yet ANOTHER false name. I mean -- My God -- how many false monikers does this guy have on the Internet? And where all of his friends, the "bitter old divorcees" as someone wrote, to defend him? Where is Jake the Real Fake? Where is his entire retinue of faithful adorers?

It follows closely on the false telephone number bit. If he lied there, about the number, one could reasonably question anything that he writes. That is a principle of logic.

Please, anyone, don't believe his crocodile tears. Oh, poor, poor Kevin. NOT AT ALL. Get close to him in his school, cross him in the slightest way, say the least wrong thing, in his twisted mind, and you will be eaten alive by a 250 kilo crocodile from Kansas, without remorse, and in one big gobble. He seeks charity but he gives done; he seeks compassion but he has none; he feigns humility but he has none. Your career will be ruined; your morale will be destroyed; and you will be reduced do nothing, all in the span of one Kansas minute. His temper flares quicker than a tarball.

If it looks like a monster from Kansas, and if it talks like a monster from Kansas, and if it spews forth smoke like a monster from Kansas, then it MUST BE a monster from Kansas. That ain't rocket science!
Messages In This Thread
Re: On Western bullies and their guanxi -- confused@sfls -- 2011-10-02
Re: On Western bullies and their guanxi -- C. Worthington -- 2011-10-02
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