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Interested - 2011-11-12

Why do some people (I'll be civil and not name names) always jump in on every thread and talk about things they know little or nothing about?

I tried to be polite here but I guess that was a mistake. I'll tell you exactly who I am and even use my real name, unlike others here who refuse to do so. My name is Christopher Davies, I'm American and I worked for GDOU for a year, from February, 2008 to February 2009. My experience there was miserable and the school cheated me out of thousands of yuan. I replied to the "Shawnee" post to tell her I agreed with everything she said. I'm about as far from a "GDOU lackey" as a guy can be. I hated the place. I noticed her email address was a QQ number so I added her to my QQ and tried to talk with her about my experiences at GDOU. She responded by telling me my Qzone was "disgusting" and she therefore had to block me. It only got worse. She then added as many of my QQ contacts as she possibly could (many are my current students), encouraged them to add her and started saying awful things about me to them including that I'm "dangerous" and that I think I'm a woman. She also said "your a homosexual" in a reply to something I had posted at my Qzone. The grammar mistake was hers, not mine. (I have no problems with gay people but I'm not one of them.) I wrote her a very rational email basically asking, "Why are you doing this to me when I originally contacted you to AGREE with what you said?" I got absolutely nowhere with this approach. She called me more and worse names for reasons I still can't quite figure out. I gave up trying to reason with someone who seemed incapable of being reasonable and told all my QQ contacts to please ignore this person and her rants against me. (I have since blocked her to prevent any further damage.) For whatever reason she was trying to discredit me with with my current students much as she is trying to do here. I'M using my real name. Let this person start using hers. At her Qzone she calls herself "Zhufu" and has something like 60 pictures of "herself." I have trouble guessing the age of Chinese women from a picture but she appears no older than mid-20's. Her profile says she is from Orlando, FL. There is an Aussie couple still working at GDOU and this Zhufu mentioned them by name. I was not particularly crazy about them and we had our differences. "Zhufu" told me she once caught them in her room going through her things "like spies." I did not, and do not, believe that. Just for the sake of being a decent human being I contacted this couple to warn them that some anonymous person was saying some pretty dreadful things about them that they might want to be aware of. They swore they have no idea who this "Zhufu" is and, as much as I don't really like them, I believe them. I tried to, as diplomatically as possible, let everyone here know that the OP might not be what or who she claims to be and, of course, got nothing but abuse from the usual suspects. It's very unnerving to have an anonymous person saying awful untruths about you to people you know. I have no idea if she is nuts (or even if she really IS a "she") or just relieving a little boredom by having some fun with a laowai. I'd really like to hear exactly what her deal is.

I, Christopher Davies, an actual person, say, "Avoid GDOU." There is something very strange going on there and it systematically cheats FT's. I'm on record now. I put my name in print. Call GDOU's FAO and mention my name, particularly to a woman who calls herself "Helen" and you'll find I'm no lackey for the place. She despises me and I her. However, be wary of this "Zhufu" person's intention's. Whatever you do, do not attempt to contact her by QQ. "She" is up to something. I've no idea what, but something.

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