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Miss Shawnie Shaw - 2011-11-14

Intrested, OH! I mean Christopher Davies~
Your accounts and actions of information or facts will sum up your recognized achievements for your poor performance as a man and an AMERICAN working in China.
I disclose a list of which you previously accused my tread which will be known but may only be disclosed to a certain individual for my treads circumstances providing permanent evidence of or information about your past events on my tread.
But now its evolved to beyond my tread and comes to a condition of being necessarily restricted to a single persons nature in which I deeply believe in preserving with respect to the confidentiality of separation between a person or a group.

After Our talk, I informed my former boyfriend to log onto my QQ messenger and go into Chris`s blog and look at Chris`s pictures,
My former boyfriend and this tread grown tired of your babbling, so he let you know about your wearisome qualities on your QQ blog, and you deserve it!
Chris I will show on my tread your strikingly odd and unusual character


(((((("One does not wash one's dirty linen in public")))))))

zhufu 7:02:46 AM
Hello Chris,You added me, Thank you!

Chris 7:03:11 AM
Did you know a woman named Helen?

zhufu 7:06:17 AM
No, I didnt know much about the teachers there. I worked a short time,September '2006 to early 2007, I left three months early.

Chris 7:06:38 AM
She is the FAO there. They cheeted me out of thousands of yuan She was completely incompetent and only had her job there because her husband works there also

zhufu 7:06:57 AM
I cant say I got cheeted out of money,They did pay me " LATE" many times,but hey! I got paid!! Its just that the asministration was a disapointment to do business with and the foreign teachers were difficult to contend with. and the living enviroment was poor.

zhufu 7:07:32 AM
I was having the school do repairs on my apartment and cought the repair guy going through my things like a spy.I reported him, but nothing got done, So I left three months early, I had to pay a fine before returning to another college in China.

zhufu 7:07:41 AM
Hello? Are you there??

zhufu 7:07:59 HELLO??

Chris 7:08:01 AM
Yes Im here. I was looking at your pictures. Is that you?

zhufu 7:08:19 AM
yes it me~

Chris 7:08:44 AM
How old are you?

zhufu 7:08:59 AM
Im 34~ Why?

Chris 7:09:12 AM
Your pretty for your age. Im 52 years old from Pennsylvania. Ive been in China for 8 years. Have you seen my Qzone?

zhufu 7:09:22 AM
No~ Should I go look?

Chris 7:09:51 AM
If you wish to. I have many pictures on there. and many students reply my picture albums and my QQ talk. I hope you comment of them aswell. To me that would be an honor

zhufu 7:12:46 AM
In your photos you mention so many times about how you used to have long hair,and in a photo of a ten year old girl you said its you?.. Thats you when you were ten yrs old??

Chris 7:13:24 AM
I did used to have long hair but I cut it short.The picture is me when I was 10 years old, I did look like a girl but now I look like a fat old girl hahaha

zhufu 7:13:59 AM
Wait a moment, COFFEE! its too early for this...

Chris 7:14:12 AM
Your not in China right now?

Chris 7:15:17 AM
Good morning to Orlando!!

Chris 7:16 38 AM
Ok I'll wait for you. I forgot the time difference What time is it there??

zhufu 7:40:36 AM
Speaking of "cut it short" this conversation is getting cut short~Your disgusting. Im so sorry but I dont think we should talk anymore~ I must block you. Take care of yourself, You sick old pervert. BYE

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