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Mark Bowman - 2011-11-15

So, still talking about the Sunlight kindergarten in Fu'an.

Ningde sunlight kindergarten (same owners) was good and i enjoyed it on the whole.. dont have any problems with that kindergarten.

Current kindergarten in Fuan (fuan anglo chinese kindergarten (maybe with sunlight in there as well somewhere))

well, when i first arrived i was given the bosses apartment, however having 1 room and all the bosses stuff in it wasnt great, so i went to a hotel (myself, mother in law, wife and daughter)
after a month- 7 weeks of me renting the hotel room we got moved to a new apartment, this one was on the complete other side of the city, miles and miles away (well 4km)
the building is a office building but the top 2 floors have been converted into bedrooms (and the very top floor has the kitchen and washing machine on)
the windows are single glazed and you have a big hole in the wall anyway so keeping the warmth in during winter is tricky / impossible.

the building is on the main 104 road out of town, which sees allot of traffic (mostly trucks rumbling into the citys building areas with supply's) this can shake the building as the road outside has just been dug up and is not a muddy bumpy mess. this wakes up my daughter and then i get no sleep.

there is a night market just out side the door, open from 9pm-9am, this isnt the quietest thing in the world, the horns of people moving around is also enough to wake up my daughter.

the city its self i dislike as does my wife, the teachers in the kindergarten are nice and pleasant, we have a laugh which is always good.

every monday at 7pm, you will have to go to school for 5 minutes (4 classrooms with teachers in who already know the english words they will teach that week), you walk into the first one and say I ice cream, then walk out and to the next one, h horse, hat, then the next classroom G goat garden, and the last classroom.

I got annoyed of having to go to school, spend 5 minutes there while the teachers said the words.. (lit i would walk in and say what are we teaching this week, and they would reply with what we are teaching, once i know they can say it i can leave).
to get to school you can either take a bus (45 minutes) or buy a ebike and go that way (15-20 mins) none of which is supplemented by the school.

so i missed 3 of these meeting as it is a complete waist of time. i found out today that form missing 3 x 5 mins i was going to be fined 300rmb from my pay.....
so i am not amused at the moment.

i would like to feel that i am being treated well and to be honest with you, i just dont feel well treated here.

Messages In This Thread
Giraffe English Language School - Haikou -- David -- 2008-09-03
Re Giraffe English Language School - Haikou -- Former Teacher in Haimen, Jiangsu -- 2015-11-22
Re: Giraffe English Language School - Haikou -- thomas -- 2009-12-21
Re: Giraffe English Language School - Haikou -- mark -- 2010-02-24
Re: Giraffe English Language School - Haikou -- mark -- 2010-08-17
Re: Giraffe English Language School - Haikou -- mark -- 2010-08-24
Re: Giraffe English Language School - Haikou -- Mark Bowman -- 2011-11-15
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