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Principal of Green Oasis - 2012-02-19
In response to A Message to the PRINCIPAL of Green Oasis School (Here's-Your-Answer)

In answer to questions from "Anonymous".

1) The process of gaining a Work Permit in China requires the employee to enter the country on a Z-visa. Once in China the immigration department issues a Foreign Expert's Certificate. In recent years the Shenzhen authorities have tightened up the regulations considerably. These regulations are very clearly stated in both our advertisements and on our website. If we have ay doubt about an applicant's elegibility for a Foreign Expert's Cerificate we contact the immigration office and seek their advice before offering a job.

2) I have no knowledge of the school hiring staff and then firing them when a "cheaper alternative" comes along. Personally I would never contemplate such an action and I would expect my staff to be up in arms if I did - and rightly so!!

3) There are 35 foreign staff due to renew contracts at the end of this academic year. One is retiring, one has been offered a job in Shanghai, one does not care for the lifestyle in China and a teaching couple have decided to move on after a long period at the school. This leaves 30 staff who have expressed a wish to renew their contracts. A turnover rate of 5 out of 35 is very small by the standards of any good international school. We are recruiting for more than seven staff because of expansion in primary.

4) The school premises are owned by the School Board and are not rented. It is a purpose built school which started out as a Chinese school. It is now named Green Oasis School and has an international intake. We do not use the term International in the school name because this would mean that Chinese National students would not be allowed at the school. Roughly 50% of our students hold non-Chinese passports.

5) Your statement that the majority fo staff do not come from the "big five" English speaking countries is totally untrue. I do not know where you got your figures from. The majority of foreign staff are from the UK but we also have staff from Canada, USA and Europe. We have a few Indian staff who have been with the school for a long time and have an excellent reputation amongst the parents.

6) In an attempt to be entirely open and honest with applicants there are clear statements in adverts and the web site concerning pay and conditions. The housing allowance has very recently (after Chinese New Year) been increased because the cost of housing has increased in Shenzhen over recent years. The insurance is described as basic because it is ! The most common complaint from teachers in any international school is about medical insurance. We are no different but I am doing everything in my power to improve the insurance cover. In the meantime I prefer to be totally open and honest with applicants. You mention that the salary is lower than other international schools. There is one International College in the area which pays a higher salary than we offer but, as far as I am aware, the salary at Green Oasis is highly competitive for schools like ours in China.

I have sought to answer all these questions openly and honestly and I do not hide behind an anonymous title and at least I manage to get the name of the school right!! The author of the recent letter claims to have no knowledge of the school but then quotes information (misleadingly incorrect information) which they could not have without having some close connection to the school, either in the present or in the past.

I have no wish to "heap opprobium" on those who made comments about the school in the distant past but I feel that it is totally unfair that there are comments on this website which do not reflect Green Oasis School as it is now! Sadly it is far to easy for people with an axe to grind to hide behind anonymous name and make scurrilous comments. If you want to know about the school talk to the staff, the students and the parents. I will happily ask staff to contact anyone with doubts and to describe their experience at the school with total honesty.

Messages In This Thread
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(Message Deleted by Poster) -- The Dog -- 2014-01-07
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Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China -- The Dog -- 2014-01-08
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China -- Cloakridge -- 2014-01-09
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China -- John O'Shei -- 2014-01-09
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China -- Principal of Green Oasis -- 2012-02-18
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China -- mike -- 2012-02-20
A Message to the PRINCIPAL of Green Oasis School -- Here's-Your-Answer -- 2012-02-18
Re: A Message to the PRINCIPAL of Green Oasis School -- Principal of Green Oasis -- 2012-02-19
Re: A Message to the PRINCIPAL of Green Oasis School -- Worried -- 2012-12-12
Re: A Message to the PRINCIPAL of Green Oasis School -- Sad -- 2013-01-30
Re: A Message to the PRINCIPAL of Green Oasis School -- foxy -- 2013-01-30
Re: A Message from a student's parent -- David -- 2012-04-26
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China -- Amelia -- 2008-10-02
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China -- Jennis -- 2008-09-30
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China -- The Chicken of the Dog -- 2014-01-08
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China -- Aace -- 2008-10-05
Re: Green Oasis School in Shenzhen, China -- Jennis -- 2008-10-12
(Message Deleted by Poster) -- Mandreia -- 2008-09-28
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