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Osman Omar - 2012-02-23

All English teachers should avoid Hail University

If anybody looks for disrespect, dishonesty, humiliation, lies, hypocracy and hatred, she/he has to live and work in Hail!! The atmosphere is killing and all teachers are disappointed and hate the moment since they arrived in Hail!! As teachers who work in Hail, we reached the point that money is not everything and living on benefit is better than living in Hail!! The University is just a handful of liars, nobody tells the truth, and despite they praying 5 times a day and telling lies!!

Most people are Bedouins, no place to go just a compound called (Mashaar 1 + 2) is a real prison surrounded by mountains and desert!! Totally isolated from every where!!

The landlord of Mashaar occasionally cut the power and running water, uncollecting the garbage for some days to force the university to get pay!! We are the teachers paying the price!!

Because we are the weakest link between the greedy landlord and nasty university!! Other accommodations of the teachers located in miserable hotels like (Yamamah) and (Bundukiyya)!! Near the Prep. Year building!! the P.Y building is just a miserable hotel used temporarily as a university building!!

Honestly to mention, teachers always late-paid!! And now its almost 3 months we didn’t get paid!! We are begging for our rights!! and unfortunately & unintentionally changed to beggars not teachers!! And no doubt this situation might cause slow works & low quality of work performances unfortunately. Based on the information we got & the contract signed between the Hail university & the Recruiter called M. Trading, Hail university supposed to pay 17,450 SAR per month (Local KSA currency) to M. Trading for each teacher appointed to work in Hail. Since the recruiter pays for each teacher11,450 SAR only a month & the balance would be 6000 SAR and M. Trading claiming that all the money (6000 SAR) spends all of it for administration, visa and other paper works related to the teachers whom appointed to work in Hail, BUT in return some greedy high key manager positions working in Hail administration, rejecting this idea and looking for their own portion!!!! & % or commission to be paid them by M. Trading as bribe! Or what ever might call it!, and to make sure they would renew their contract with the university!! Otherwise the monthly payment to the recruiter, would be kept pending for own reason(s) for a while, regardless of what!!! Frankly to mention we are not sure who is right or who is wrong & who is playing games and put the teachers in limbo unfortunately.

And till now, in spite of the Dean’s promises, no one could solve this problem so far unfortunately & of course its big shame and we are expecting to be treated based on Saudi Arabia Ministry of labor law or International Law in this HOLLY LAND!. Now we the teachers are in between this dispute/corruptions and disagreement of these two nasty parties and no one really wants to think of how we could survive during these 3 months unpaid salary!!!

So we strongly advise, if anybody respects himself and somehow has kinds of obligation(s) towards his family or what’s ever, definitely should avoid starting job based on the recruiter contract at Hail university in Saudi Arabia & as a whole look for job anywhere but not there.

Messages In This Thread
Avoid Hail University and M. Trading Recruiter -- Osman Omar -- 2012-02-23
Re: Avoid Hail University and M. Trading Recruiter -- San Migs -- 2012-02-23
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