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Tom - 2012-05-08

I am writing this to say why people should not work for Shane School in Wenzhou (Wenzhou city, Pingyang, Longgang and Aojiang where the main school is).

To be slightly positive, the work is easy, the pay is not bad, a lot of the staff are nice and good, it would be a great job.


The boss is the biggest moron you will come across. He doesn't have a clue. And this is me trying to be nice.

When I turned up my DoS didn't really care any more, he had had enough and wanted to go back to his home country. He was having to teach in Wenzhou city school and travel too much every day, so I got the Wenzhou job, I was on my own, a lack of support network was almost total, I had one lesson in the whole year observed.

However my main problem was the contract. A duel contract, in Chinese it said something quite different to in English. I had a clause that supposedly paid me for travelling, but I was told that no, in fact, in Chinese it says something different.
My contract was contradictory because the boss couldn't be bothered to get it properly translated, I was supposed to get get free accommodation, but in Chinese it said they would help me find accommodation. Living in Wenzhou city I had to pay 3, 4 times more for accommodation than other teachers yet got paid the same.
The contract allowed me certain bonuses that supposedly could be achieved if I met certain targets that were almost totally impossible to meet. Like I had to have a certain number of pupils, but I had a maximum of 8 pupils per lesson (as opposed to 12 for those in the sticks) and so I could never reach this.

Based around this two teachers at another school wanted to have one week of their contract break off together. They had a meeting with the boss who spend the whole time on QQ talking to his girlfriend before saying no, they couldn't, so the teachers are leaving.

I got through FOUR welfare officers in my year there and spend 1/3 of the time without one, two left after a very short time, one I didn't even know she was my welfare officer until after she left the job because no one told me that is what her job was.

Basically staff turn over is very, very high, they won't pay enough for the TAs or other staff, and they treat them like absolute dirt, but then again as the boss doesn't care less about the teachers either, it is not that much better.

Messages In This Thread
Shane English Wenzhou -- Tom -- 2012-05-08
Re: Shane English Wenzhou -- Joy -- 2013-11-01
Re: Shane English Wenzhou -- Sue -- 2013-11-04
Re: Shane English Wenzhou -- John O'Shei -- 2013-11-04
Warning - Shane English Wenzhou is total crap!!! -- Superior Monkey -- 2013-11-04
Re: Shane English Wenzhou -- Sue -- 2013-11-04
Re: Shane English Wenzhou -- Joy -- 2013-11-01
Re: Shane English Wenzhou -- John O'Shei -- 2013-11-03
Re: Shane English Wenzhou -- Rubbish Talk -- 2013-11-01
Re: Shane English Wenzhou -- John O'Shei -- 2013-11-03
Re: Shane English Wenzhou -- Lisa -- 2013-11-01
Re: Shane English Wenzhou -- Matthew Shand -- 2013-06-22
Re: Shane English Wenzhou -- John O'Shei -- 2013-11-03
Re: Shane English Wenzhou -- Even MORE Perfect English! (Can you believe that?) -- 2013-11-04
Re: Shane English Wenzhou -- John O'Shei -- 2013-11-05
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