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Anderson - 2012-07-09

Sorry for the belated reply. I have mentioned before I don’t have the time as I have other important things to do. Since you have demanded a response from me, I will, though reluctantly. I don’t like to waste time responding to your senseless talk, but this time I am forced to so do.

You started this thread with the heading: A WARNING FOR NEW TEACHERS USING THIS BOARD. Who are you to issue this warning on the Forum? The Board has already given advice on this matter, but to you this advice is not good enough and so you issued your own warning.

This is the advice given by the Board:

Post Against a School
When you read a bad post against a school, it may be true. There are also reasons why it may not be true. For example, it might be written by a competitor. It might also be written by a disgruntled teacher who has good reasons to be disgruntled. Or not really good reasons (went overseas with the wrong expectations, for example). Ask yourself how credible the writer sounds; and if you are interested in this school, do some further research including speaking to present and past teachers.

Your warning is so totally different from the advice given by the Board. The Board’s advice is friendly and dignified but your warning is harsh, manifests a hard spirit (as seen in your posts), and unfriendly. You started off the thread by labeling YoungEnglishman as a liar . . . – that is already bad enough (I will talk more about this in a later posting).

Kudos to the Board and its Moderators

The Board has been very gracious to let you post your messages. Posters like me are very grateful to the Board for providing this Forum to help people seeking to come to China or other countries to teach to be aware of what they will be getting into if they should choose to teach at a particular school or centre. The moderators themselves have been doing a great job. Their work is not an easy one as they have to read and edit the many posts in one day.

I have to stop here, but before I stop, I will tell you in my later postings how you had misconstrued me, how abusive, derogatory and demeaning you have been, that you are not a real teacher at all, that you have been hoodwinked by EF, etc. I cannot write all that I want to say in one post as I don’t have the time, and, also, it will take up a lot of space here. So I will do the postings one at a time. I normally don’t like to write long posts, but I am forced to do so.

Messages In This Thread
Part 1 - My response to LondonGirl -- Anderson -- 2012-07-09
Re: Part 2 - My response to LondonGirl -- Anderson -- 2012-07-11
Re: Part 3 - My response to LondonGirl -- Anderson -- 2012-07-13
Re: Part 4 - My response to LondonGirl -- Anderson -- 2012-07-14
Re: Part 5 - My response to LondonGirl -- Anderson -- 2012-07-15
Re: Part 6 - My response to LondonGirl -- Anderson -- 2012-07-18
Re: Part 5 - My response to LondonGirl -- Dragonized -- 2012-07-16
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Part 1 - My response to LondonGirl

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