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Mancunian - 2013-01-28
In response to Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School (foxy)

You would avoid that private school like the plague. Fair enough. Personally, I wouldn't!
But drinkers and other undesirables seeking employment abroad might well not wish to follow your example. Fact - there are encumbent so-called western losers there at present who are happy with their lot in that kind of environment. Good luck to them. That's the great thing about China - variety of choice. China caters to all kinds of foreign 'teachers', and helps greatly to relieve Western countries of the expense of providing welfare payments to its unemployed and its unemployable!

Is he right or is he right? He is right! In fact he's about as right as right can be. I can't get my head around why all these holier then thou, have-to-have-it-perfect, snobbish, over-qualified teachers, bother themselves with Oral English Teaching in China, which can be safely left in the hands of the otherwise unemployed Native-Born English Speakers from the west. Why aren't these academics teaching in Oxford, Cambridge? Not that there's not also a good few retired proper teachers from the West teaching in China, but they don't tend to be the oh-so-precious types who walk(or run) at the first sign of a rat in the pantry.

Ren Poster, has attracted some tiresome replies; the bloke does not have a degree(who needs one to teach Oral English?) Neverthess, we can be thankful that in China ways and means exist for him yet to become a teacher. There are risks invoved for him.......but yet, if you look at the track record of a few of the so-called-highly- knowledgable, street-wise, advising posters, they still seem to get themselves conned(as they perceive) are forced to do runners(some times a whole series of runners) So, however we arrive in China, with degrees, with proper document, or with just an L Visa and, am I right or am I right?

Messages In This Thread
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- White Face -- 2011-01-20
Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- tyson -- 2013-01-17
Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- I'm just saying...... -- 2013-01-28
Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- foxy -- 2013-01-28
Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Mancunian -- 2013-01-28
Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- I'm just saying...... -- 2013-01-27
Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- The Responder/Punisher -- 2012-11-13
Re: Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- The Responder/Punisher -- 2012-11-21
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- Riverina -- 2011-01-20
Re Beijing Huijia Private School -- TL -- 2011-01-20
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