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DB - 2006-09-03

Yes, I agree with you Chuck regarding the tasteless post by "Yi," whomever she or he may be. Actually, I wrote a somewhat lengthy post a few days ago regarding the same thing, but apparently it got lost in the shuffle.

One would expect that our fellow teachers in China would have the sensitivity and/or maturity to maintain a sense of decorum here in the forum regardless of whether or not they are in agreement.
Well so be it. Best not to "cast pearls before swine" I guess. At any rate, though your posts do tend to lean toward giving schools the benefit of the doubt, I still admire your attempts to suggest a position of neutrality while the jury is still out. Furthermore, I appreciate your obvious experience as a teacher abroad. And so I hope you don't quit posting here.

And Frank I also appreciate that your posts lately regarding Chuck have become less acidic and acusative and seem to be leaning more toward the inquisitive.

But Yi? I have only one comment/suggestion for you. Grow up! Want to take me on in the "ring of rhetoric?" Bring it on. But remember, inquiries are a better path toward understanding than are acusations. For example: "Am I correct in my assumption that you.....?" or "Are you saying that.........?" or "Am I to believe that you........" and one more just to be sure you get the idea "Could you clarify or re-word what you said about.......?"

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