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the truth - 2013-06-17
In response to Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China (Beelzebub)

Seriously people:
Do we really care if they hire non native blacks, or native Whites to teach in class. The main point of this blog or thread is to discuss about
the working conditions of EV or any of the other companies in the Yuncheng area. I think it is important that we educate potential new teachers
to the truth about working for these companies. I can not in good faith say to any new potential teacher who wants to come to China that EV or any
company in this area is reliable, dependable, and worth the trouble. Let's be real, and honest. They treat foreign teachers like cattle, like warm bodies to fill
in the seats, to be a dancing monkey. They make millions of yuan every year, and we get shit apartments, low salary, incapable assistants, staff that don't call you
back or answer your questions, or they lie to you, or tell you what ever you want to hear. If you are looking for a place to teach..... stay away from Yuncheng Valley companies.
In fact stay away from Shanxi province. It is the lowest paying of all the Provinces..... Run, run run..............

Messages In This Thread
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Yuncheng EV Teacher -- 2013-02-28
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- foxy -- 2013-02-28
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Mancunian -- 2013-02-28
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- anti-trolls -- 2013-02-28
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Mancunian -- 2013-03-01
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Raymond -- 2015-06-17
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- San Migs -- 2013-03-01
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Mancunian -- 2013-03-02
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Dragonized -- 2013-03-02
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Moses -- 2013-02-28
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- telling the truth -- 2013-06-15
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- silverheels -- 2013-06-17
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Beelzebub -- 2013-06-17
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- silverheels -- 2013-06-18
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Beelzebub -- 2013-06-18
A Link you should read before teaching in China -- the truth -- 2013-06-17
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Dragonized -- 2013-06-15
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- John O'Shei -- 2013-06-16
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Beelzebub -- 2013-06-16
Let's stay on the point -- the truth -- 2013-06-17
Re Let's stay on the point -- the truth -- 2015-04-25
Re Let's stay on the point -- Walter -- 2015-04-26
Re Let's stay on the point -- San Migs -- 2015-04-27
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-04-27
Re Let's stay on the point -- martin hainan -- 2015-04-26
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-04-27
Re Let's stay on the point -- Walter -- 2015-04-26
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-04-27
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-04-27
Re Let's stay on the point -- Obie1 -- 2015-04-27
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-04-28
Re Let's stay on the point -- Obie1 -- 2015-04-29
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-04-30
Re Let's stay on the point -- Scotty -- 2015-05-02
Re Let's stay on the point -- martin hainan -- 2015-05-03
Re Let's stay on the point -- John O'Shei -- 2015-05-04
Re Let's stay on the point -- San Migs -- 2015-05-05
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-05-05
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-05-02
Re Let's stay on the point -- Walter -- 2015-05-03
Re Let's stay on the point -- Walter -- 2015-05-03
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-05-03
Re Let's stay on the point -- Walter -- 2015-05-04
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-05-05
Re Let's stay on the point -- John O'Shei -- 2015-05-04
Re Let's stay on the point -- Walter -- 2015-05-05
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-05-05
Re Let's stay on the point -- A discerning Dissector -- 2015-05-03
Re Let's stay on the point -- EVAVENGER -- 2015-06-09
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-05-08
Re Let's stay on the point -- Walter -- 2015-05-08
Re Let's stay on the point -- Walter -- 2015-05-04
Re Let's stay on the point -- Scotty -- 2015-05-03
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-05-03
Re Let's stay on the point -- Walter -- 2015-04-30
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-05-01
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-05-01
Re Let's stay on the point -- kitchener -- 2015-05-01
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-04-29
Re: Let's stay on the point -- Beelzebub -- 2013-06-17
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Beelzebub -- 2013-06-15
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