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Current BDW Teacher - 2013-11-07

As much I know that you won't listen to reason, don't seem in possession of much intelligence, and that 'feeding the troll' is not the most constructive use of anyone's time, I'd like to respond.

Disclaimer - Not PR or management, just a currently employed BDW teacher, who has worked at worse schools.

First of all, I repeat my statement that ALL training centres in China are shit, cheat and deceive and are entirely useless for customers and foreign teachers alike! Second, they are not decent schools but crappy pretend "schools".

You seem to have first-hand knowledge of every single 'training centre' in China. You've been busy working for all of those schools, haven't you? What a sweeping generalisation you've presented to us. Back up your argument with hard data, and then we'll take you seriously.

Yes, some schools are terrible, cheat their employees, and are duplicitous in various ways. Yes, some are 'pretend' schools. BDW has never seemed to be in this category.

Third, educational quality is absolutely zero, and they do not only employ unqualified people

They do not only employ unqualified people? So, do you mean that they DO employ qualified people? What are you trying to tell us?

Many, if not most, of the teachers at BDW work very hard to ensure their students are learning English to the best of their abilities.
Yes, there are teachers who don't care. The rest of us think they're idiots.

Also, some of us here are actually qualified teachers, and/or have certification to teach English as a foreign language.
Again, you've made an assumption about something you know nothing about.

also their owners are idiots and know nothing what they are talking about, and they know nothing about education and English - the "product" they "sell".

I'll concur that some of the decisions made by management haven't been coming from the most logical thinking. There have been instances that show the priorities of management are skewed, and many of these were driven by an obvious bias towards marketing over education.

However, if you've ever worked for a truly 'bad' school (as I have), you realise it can be dealt with with minimal negative effect to the students and the personal happiness of the teachers.

Fourth, they are absolutely untrustworthy and not to rely on.

As awkward as your phrasing is here, I'll still respond. Perhaps you need to come take a few classes at BDW, to improve your English?

There are people at BDW that can be relied upon and trusted. Decisions have been made that concern the company as a whole, and individuals have been slighted by these. This leads to people thinking they have been given a raw deal.

Fifth, they are useless, a complete waste of time and money, and all of them should be closed down immediately including your crap "school"!

Who is useless? The school? The owners? The teachers?
All of what should be closed down? Every training centre in China?

I believe the students who have gone from zero English ability to near-fluency would disagree.

As would their parents, whose money provided them with the opportunity to learn. If a parent feels their money is being wasted, they are able to get a refund. This doesn't occur often, as the standards are kept generally high here at BDW.

The teachers, both Chinese and foreign, who have worked hard for this school for a long time, and have proved they are not, as you say, 'useless', would also disagree.

I have had problems with some of the decisions that management has made, that have affected both me personally and my friends. I'm probably going to leave at the end of my contract. That doesn't mean the school is bad, it's just not the right fit for some people.

I suggest you step away from the keyboard for a while, and find a new hobby. Being an internet troll isn't going to be successful for you, as doing it well requires more intelligence than you will ever develop.

I'm sure that some day, at the end of your life, you'll still be congratulating yourself on how awesome you think you are, but the sad fact is that you're baiting people on an ESL forum, not changing the world.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Bai Da Wei Changchun Jilin -- Current BDW Teacher -- 2013-11-07
Re: Bai Da Wei Changchun Jilin -- Mr. Silver Spoon -- 2014-01-29
Re: Bai Da Wei Changchun Jilin -- John O'Shei -- 2013-11-08
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