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Fred Savage - 2007-02-12

Just an update.

The previously mentioned employee was officially fired.
This is not a huge issue except for a couple of stinging points.

A) Why did EF Indonesia knowingly hire someone with NO teaching experience and then fire that teacher because the teacher did not do the job effectively?

**Seems they should have hired a QUALIFIED and EXPERIENCED teacher with verifiable QUALIFICATIONS in the first place. This would have spared causing this poor teacher's anxiety and hatred for EF.***** Perhaps it's time to stop the EF in INDONESIA paradise ads.

B) Why did they not IMMEDIATELY honor the contract the teacher signed and immediately reimburse 50% of the airline tickets after the teachers 3 months probation period was up?

****NOTE: The teacher was under the impression that airline was up to $1000usd. Not $500, which was on the teacher's contract. This is the typical amount for a teacher recruited within Indonesia's borders.*****

C) Why did they LOWER the teacher's monthly salary by 1,000,000Rp per month without any representation for the teacher? AND....not pay the money back!!!!

D) Why did they not provide any training for the teacher? They advertise it.

E) Why was the teacher harassed by local authorities (Though there is duobts to the authenticity of these AUTHORITIES positions)?

F) Why did EF NOT clearly and transparently provide the teacher with an EPO (Necessary to depart Indo and return on a new visa) and gave false and misleading information when the teacher wanted it?

***Appears EF Indonesia has to be sneaky in firing too!!!****

We warn you again. Use the utmost caution before traveling 1,000's of mile from home to sign a contract with these people.

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