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John O'Shei - 2014-01-19

One time we had a native speaker from the UK and the chinese staff at Huamei had a problem with his hair because it was curly but in others view point it looks okay but at a chinese point of view they were being rude to him and it was not nice.

This training center is totally disorganized they make all of the teachers pass out flyers in the freezing cold for more than one hour until all of the flyers are gone and tell the students at the public, primary and middle schools to enroll in Huamei.. That type of advertising usually back fires and Huamei overcharges alot of parents who brings in their children to that school.

Well, I can definitely tell you that I will never get a perm simply in order to get a job... And I'm one of those who get rather self-conscious about my self-image in regards to hairstyles, due to the fact that when I cut my short rather short in the summer months ( and you actually need to here because it gets really bloody hot, I tell you), I start to look like a bit of a neo-Nazi thug according to one of my piss taking German friends.

As for the flyering, I remembering witnessing this kind of shit kind of directly. I actually felt a little sad yet slightly amused at the same time. When I saw it, I was enjoying a coffee in a Starbucks in a more central part of town, it was on the 2nd floor I think, on a coldish autumn day. I was sat near the window, enjoying my coffee, looking at the crowds below when I saw a load of EF guys in branded, if I remember correctly bright orange sweatshirts, desperately trying to give all these flyers out. I sat back, smiled and thought "f**k that for a laugh."

When I worked at a TC, it wasn't quite so bad. They had a separate marketing team, but from what I could see, they were young, lazy and sometimes a little stupid, they handed me one of their flyers when I was walking past on the street, do I look like the kind of person that would need to go to a TC to LEARN how to speak English? Worst of all, none of these guys could actually speak English, which was not actually a great advertisement for a product. Believe it or not, we actually had a few parents that would enquire who already spoke good English, I can't begin to imagine how much of a bad impression that this marketing team was giving out to them.

From a purely business point of view, showing off your dancing white monkeys initially appears to make sense, but when they are performing a job that they did not originally come for and effectively doing a job that others could be recruited to do (they don't give out working visas for fly-posters for a reason), it turns out that it does not make sense. Not to mention that it will demoralise the teachers no end.

As for the farming out to other schools, I've already explained a thing or two. It is actually such a shitty practice that many foreign teachers will view it as a licence to teach to teach not quite so professionally. After all, if that classroom is full of irritating little shits, would you really want them to enrol at your centre? You never see these bonuses that get promised to you as some TA will find a way to claim that they personally recruited the student.

Messages In This Thread
Huamei Foreign Language School Binzhou China -- R.Z -- 2014-01-15
Re: Huamei Foreign Language School Binzhou China -- R.Z -- 2014-01-19
Re: Huamei Foreign Language School Binzhou China -- John O'Shei -- 2014-01-19
Re: Huamei Foreign Language School Binzhou China -- R.Z -- 2014-01-21
Re: Huamei Foreign Language School Binzhou China -- John O’Shei -- 2014-01-21
Re: Huamei Foreign Language School Binzhou China -- R.Z -- 2014-01-21
Re: Huamei Foreign Language School Binzhou China -- R.Z -- 2014-02-16
Re: Huamei Foreign Language School Binzhou China -- Oklahoma Ranger -- 2014-01-15
Re: Huamei Foreign Language School Binzhou China -- John O'Shei -- 2014-01-15
Re: Huamei Foreign Language School Binzhou China -- Dragonized -- 2014-01-28
Re: Huamei Foreign Language School Binzhou China -- John O’ Shei -- 2014-01-28
Re: Huamei Foreign Language School Binzhou China -- John O'Shei -- 2014-01-15
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