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Xiao 'Handsome' Bai - 2014-01-28
In response to Re: SHANE DONGYING EAST CITY (Bob)

I still work at Shane and though I am well aware of the schools questionable reputation, for myself as foreign teacher, it's a once in a lifetime chance.

I've wanted to come to China for years and finally achieved my goal. My English isn't as good as a uni graduate's but I think that's the point. China is so big that if the country wanted to recruit purely professional teachers they could never satisfy the demand. As a result, plebs like me are employed as we may not be professional but there is no substitute for a native speakers intuition. Regardless of how good a Chinese person's English level may be.

Please feel free to call me a low life and a disgrace as in some respects you're right; I never enjoyed school as a student but now I am older I find learning more engrossing than I have ever done. I may never be a professional teacher but I would be willing to bet on everything I own that nobody here teaches with a bigger smile on their face than me. It does make me wish I had listened more at school but I suppose people are different and we learn with different levels of ability and at different times. Despite my inexperience, I love teaching my kid's and Try my hardest every class to not just educate my students brains but also their hearts. Anyway, just because I never attended a university, it doesn't mean I'm incapable of learning and caring about my kid's for everyone learns from the cradle to the grave. After all, despite the snobbery on this thread, the best university you will ever attend is called the university of life!

By the way, I love the arguing on this thread. Like a bunch of ould biddies! ;)

Messages In This Thread
Re: SHANE DONGYING EAST CITY -- San Migs -- 2014-01-18
Re: SHANE DONGYING EAST CITY -- Bob -- 2014-01-18
Re: SHANE DONGYING EAST CITY -- Xiao 'Handsome' Bai -- 2014-01-28
Re: SHANE DONGYING EAST CITY -- The Thing -- 2014-01-29
Re: SHANE DONGYING EAST CITY -- Xiao 'Handsome' Bai -- 2014-02-24
Re: SHANE DONGYING EAST CITY -- We come in peace (shoot to kill) -- 2014-05-09
Re: SHANE DONGYING EAST CITY -- C'est la merde -- 2014-05-09
Re: SHANE DONGYING EAST CITY -- Dragonized -- 2014-01-28
Re: SHANE DONGYING EAST CITY -- Xiao 'Still Handsome And Now With Added Pity!' Bai -- 2014-02-24
Re: SHANE DONGYING EAST CITY -- John O’Shei -- 2014-01-28
Re: SHANE DONGYING EAST CITY -- John O’Shei -- 2014-01-28
Re: SHANE DONGYING EAST CITY -- John O'Shei -- 2014-01-18
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