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Will and Bob - 2014-02-12
In response to Re: Bai Da Wei Changchun Jilin (Bai Da Wei Teacher)


I worked at this school for most of 2013...

I want to begin by explaining that SOME problems are a result of cultural differences. Chinese management is not great, and particularly bad at dealing with independent minded westerners. Problems are not tackled head on....quickly or directly. For example a school or parent may be un-happy with something. Instead of making a call or meeting to deal with this quickly, it will be left for days or weeks. Meanwhile you receive an email listing a whole host of problems you were not even aware of.

The western managers are much more understanding and efficient.

David Puckett can be the first to blame ANY issue on cultural differences. For example, you are given only 2 days notice of a holiday - this is because the school does not know and plan for this. From speaking with other teachers from other schools, their management has little problem with this and adequate notice is given.

However, David Puckett is an amazing role-model for ESL teaching, someone who is so passionate about teaching and Chinese culture. I can think of few better teachers to learn how to teach ESL successfully; particularly to young learners. During his prolonged absence in 2013 the quality or direction of the teaching at the school certainly suffered, with staff meeting less about training and more of a complaining session.

A real example of where the school shines is the introduction of new teachers. They guide you through your first weeks in China, sort EVERYTHING out. Including accommodation, health checks, Visa's - even initial financial support. This has really been well thought out by the school and never did I worry about such issues in my time with BDW.

To maintain this western organisation style the school employed Maria, a relative of a co-owner. As with any new manager, employees are keen to test them and inevitably complain. Something which almost turned into a vilification of Maria. As with this post you can read the views of one or two of the foreign teachers - who hit out at Maria. A manager who tried her best after being dropped in at the DEEP end. Instead of helping or supporting her, it had become a time for foreign teachers to complain....CONSTANTLY. We are people who chose to teach in a foreign country; we should be willing to adapt more readily and be more pragmatic about sometimes difficult decisions.

Most teachers on their arrival will be assigned to teaching at local Kindergarten. This was something that certainly did need better organisation. Changchun is large city and the school has a wide range of contracts with different schools. However my 20 hour working week was anything but this. I would need to be on a Van for 7.20am to suffer long commutes, with split days and returning home just before 6pm. This is not the working schedule you might be promised and should be made more clear or organised better.

There were instances of foreign teacher behaving inappropriately. One instance of a teacher turning up for work drunk and another of a teacher swearing at management and walking out on two different occasions. The school should have acted more professionally in tackling the issue more effectively. i.e setting an example by not allowing them to return to the school. The classic case of the 'un-fire-able' ESL teachers. Because student numbers and money take priority in China. However, this is perhaps less of decision made by the western members of management and more from the Chinese, where money takes precedent. So it is unfair to blame BDW, this is more an issue rife in China.

To sum up. An amazing year, could not wish for a better first time school. Although 5 months were spent without a single teaching training session while management problems ensued. this was sad.

But if you had a problem, you could always voice it with a member of the management team.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Bai Da Wei Changchun Jilin -- Cristal -- 2013-10-12
Re: Bai Da Wei Changchun Jilin -- Bai Da Wei Teacher -- 2013-10-22
Re: Bai Da Wei Changchun Jilin -- jessie -- 2015-05-21
Re: Bai Da Wei Changchun Jilin -- Will and Bob -- 2014-02-12
Re: Bai Da Wei Changchun Jilin -- John O'Shei -- 2014-02-15
Re: Bai Da Wei Changchun Jilin -- BDW Teacher 2 -- 2014-01-29
Re: Bai Da Wei Changchun Jilin -- Mr. Silver Spoon -- 2014-01-29
Re: Bai Da Wei Changchun Jilin -- Dragonized -- 2014-01-29
Re: Bai Da Wei Changchun Jilin -- John O'Shei -- 2014-01-29
Re: Bai Da Wei Changchun Jilin -- Spartacus -- 2013-11-01
Re: Bai Da Wei Changchun Jilin -- maelstrom -- 2013-11-01
Re: Bai Da Wei Changchun Jilin -- Even BETTER English! (Can you believe that?) -- 2013-11-05
Re: Bai Da Wei Changchun Jilin -- Sarah -- 2015-04-20
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