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justjames - 2014-02-19
In response to Re: Chinaesl (Brisbane Bludger Buster)

We have two teachers. They don't teach they just complain about Asia and spend all the time they should spend on lesson preparations moaning on Dave's Caf, or some such other awful whinging website.

I feel your pain, man. But not that much. After all, who hired the teachers that are apparently not qualified?

Judging by your English, and the fact that you wrote, "We have two teachers.", would lead me to believe that you are part of the administration and, therefore, perhaps involved in the hiring process as well. If that's true, then am I to assume that you have, or will in the future, change your hiring practices?

On the other hand, if you believe that the teachers you hired are actually qualified and have decided against devoting as much time as possible to teaching, then perhaps you need to look closer at what it is that has made them demonstrate a lack of motivation.

Also, don't overlook the fact that if you want to get the most out of your teachers, it may be time to give more than you have been. It doesn't have to be money. Even showing a little concern about the well being of foreign teachers goes a long way. But you can't just talk the talk. You must walk the walk as well.

I've worked in a few places in China where I was treated very, very well, and I have no doubts that this could be the norm instead of the exception if people like yourself would consider that not only are FTs in some ways representing their own countries, but you also represent your own country.

So many foreign teachers go home after a brief and terrible first time teaching experience in China. They leave their homes with high hopes and return with a bitter taste in their month and a bad rap for China wherever they go.

But there are good stories to be told, too. You can be a part of the bad story or the good one.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Chinaesl -- Brisbane Bludger Buster -- 2014-02-15
Re: Chinaesl -- justjames -- 2014-02-19
Re: Chinaesl -- John O'Shei -- 2014-02-16
Re: Chinaesl -- Dragonized -- 2014-02-16
Re: Chinaesl -- John O'Shei -- 2014-02-16
Re: Chinaesl -- Dragonized -- 2014-02-16
Re: Chinaesl -- Brisbane Bludger Buster -- 2014-02-16
Re: Chinaesl -- John O'Shei -- 2014-02-16
Re: Chinaesl -- John O'Shei -- 2014-02-16
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