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Poster - 2014-02-22

All the previous posts that I wrote were totally false. I wrote them because I knew the principal checks these review sites often. Although passing all assessments, the principal had a personal grudge against me for no reason at all, so I decided to try and guarantee another year by posting a positive review of him and the school.

The reality at Clifford School is this: all they care about is making money. Education is the furthest thing from the director's mind. He regularly employs 'teachers' who are not certified. He regularly extends contracts to teachers who are verbally and physically abusive towards students. The director has no previous experience in an administrative role, and like most things in China, only has this position due to his connection with the owner.

The international school is a waste of time. The school has no independence from the director, although various websites state the opposite. Most international students wouldn't stand a chance in more prestigious schools. Most parents know that Clifford is a subpar school, but due to location and other factors, have no other choice. I taught a lot of students privately because in their regular classes they weren't getting a decent education. The reason some teachers speaking positively about Clifford is because they are either fresh out of uni and don't have anything to compare it to, or they are retired and just want an easy ride. There is a bunch of older teachers that teach at this school...they aren't necessarily bad teachers, but they smoke a lot of drugs and drink heavily in their time off. This is not the kind of person that most people would want educating their children. The school knows of this but turns a blind eye because all they really care about is having a white face in the classroom...

The associate principal in the elementary division only has this job because of his connection with the director and because he has been at the school for a very long time. He is the kind of guy that creeps you out when you meet with him. I used to find it odd that he would never make eye contact when speaking with me. He has a very easy gig at this school, as ALL, I repeat, ALL decisions are made by the Chinese administration. He is only there to make it appear as though the school is progressive, when in fact the complete opposite is true. No one really likes this guy. I remember a lot of teachers complaining that he never did anything to help. I went to him with problems and all he would do is tell me to go speak with the director. What kind of principal does that? A lazy one! Even parents would be told to speak with the principal...he avoids everything and blames everything on everyone else. The worst principal I have ever had the misfortune of meeting. I'd love to see him try this BS in a proper school; he'd get fired within the first month!

There is a teacher I worked with in the ELS who verbally and physically assaulted students. This was brought to the attention of the team leader, but nothing was done. The team leader in the ELS has no skills or qualification to be a team leader (read his e-mails that are riddled with grammar errors and you will see what I mean). I remember he once told me that he would never want his son to be taught by the aforementioned teacher, yet he never did anything to reprimand him for his unbecoming behaviour. I just heard that they are taking this teacher back for another year! I cannot believe how low the standards are at this 'school'.

Grades are ALWAYS adjusted to what the parents demand. Students who fail all year miraculously come out with A's and B's. They only care about satisfying the parents. The school is considered to be a garbage dump by most of the community. The smart parents pull their child out after a semester or two to go to an actual school that cares about education first...not profits.

The school also cheats on taxes. You are paid a portion of the salary in RMB (which they tax) and then a portion in US$ which is not taxed. You have to beg to get the official tax document, and when you compare it to the one the school gives out, the numbers NEVER add up. They are breaking the law in China and putting teachers at risk back home by not providing accurate tax information to the government. I know of many teachers that faced huge headaches when trying to do their taxes back in their home country. The director is extremely shady and not one to be trusted. His sidekick, Jim (Zhangyi) was able to get a Master's degree without having a Bachelors...this is first hand information from a teacher friend who was paid to help him write his thesis.

Teachers be warned: if you just want an easy gig where no one really cares about the quality of instruction, this is the place for you....however, if you are a serious teacher with a lot of experience, don't even give this place a second glance.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China -- osm peolple -- 2012-03-19
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China -- Dragonized -- 2012-03-20
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China -- S.W. -- 2012-09-05
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China -- Poster -- 2014-02-22
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China -- Beth -- 2014-12-20
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China -- Poster -- 2014-12-22
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China -- BaishiLaowai -- 2014-12-27
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China -- John O'Shei -- 2014-12-28
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China -- BaishiLaowai -- 2014-12-29
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China -- Sludge -- 2014-12-31
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China -- John O'Shei -- 2014-12-29
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China -- BaishiLaowai -- 2014-12-30
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China -- yu2fa3 -- 2014-12-30
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China -- Poster -- 2014-12-28
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China -- Beth -- 2014-12-22
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China -- Poster -- 2014-12-23
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China -- Uisfullofsh!t -- 2014-12-19
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China -- John O' Shei -- 2014-12-19
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China -- Sludge -- 2014-12-20
Re: Clifford School in Guangzhou, China -- Jorge -- 2013-05-01
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