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Lucky Strike Larry - 2014-04-13

Tricky - no expert on what? And you are definitely not "Chinese" either. Have you perhaps been that fool pretending to be the "Chinese Native Son" on here years ago?
If you openly admit of not being an expert, then you should not brush away and ignore the input from other folks on here. It would be more helpful if you gave up your unfounded arrogance to ignore all the good advice given here with regard to language learning and teaching and try to learn from the views of others on here.
So far, you have shown to be resistant to what others have offered as an alternative view, and you have failed to get the most out of it for yourself; whether it comes from SB or me or someone else, doesn't matter.
The days on this board when we would read such input from people like you without strongly questioning it are definitely gone.

Turnoi.` I have nothing to say about Chinese; you thrust it upon me. Perhaps I could learn something from you about that language but I'm not actively learning it any longer. I merely pick up a new word or phrase as it comes along and circumstances present themselves. English should be what this forum is about; it's for English teachers. [edited]

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Re Yuming Education Centre -- Lucky Strike Larry -- 2014-04-13
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