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Greg - 2014-05-22

I worked almost all of 2013 in Honduras (not Eagle's Crib) and it was the 1st and last time I will ever work in Latin America..The salary is EXTREMELY low in most cases and the facilities are poor at best. I did interview with a gentleman at Eagle's Crib for a short contract in 2013 just to finish up the school year, I was offered the job, but I'm glad I didn't take it in retrospect. The reason why Latin American countries are so far behind other continents such as Asia is not enough emphasis is put on education let alone learning new languages. They also pay you like a volunteer all the while requiring that you pay for everything to get there as well as not applying for legal work visas and expect you to pay all costs for your visa runs lol as well as having MA in the subject you are applying for which is ridiculous I mean really who is going to have a University degree from an English speaking country and go work for those wages?

Messages In This Thread
Eagle's Crib, El Paraiso, Honduras -- Rick -- 2014-02-16
Re: Eagle's Crib, El Paraiso, Honduras -- Eagles Crib -- 2014-03-25
Re: Eagle's Crib, El Paraiso, Honduras -- Rick -- 2014-04-25
Re: Eagle's Crib, El Paraiso, Honduras -- Greg -- 2014-05-22
Re: Eagle's Crib, El Paraiso, Honduras -- Rick -- 2015-02-07
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