Emily's little Kitten - 2014-08-11

There always seems to be a lot of negative postings about this school, so I would like to put the record straight if I can. Firstly if you are the type of person that it set in your ways then DO NOT come to china because it's nothing like where your from so get over it, and Hohhot not being a major city is not as appealing as Beijing or Shanghai.

EF Hohhot is what it is an up and coming school and what you also have to remember is that these are private schools and only the privileged of Hohhot children can attend and yes it is run like a business because that's what it is. I have been here a while now and I can say that I have had nothing but a positive experience, I can understand that some people are bitter towards the current DOS but you blame him for wanting to get rid of the dead wood and fill the school with efficient teachers that can actually embrace the change from living in the west and moving to the east.

I am sure that there a lot of places that are worse then Hohhot so I say give it a try you may be pleasantly surprised!!

Messages In This Thread
EF Hohhot -- Emily's little Kitten -- 2014-08-11
Re EF Hohhot -- phox53 -- 2015-01-09
Re EF Hohhot -- phox53 -- 2015-01-09
Re EF Hohhot -- Hohhot resident -- 2014-08-12
Re EF Hohhot -- foxy -- 2014-08-12
Re EF Hohhot -- Concerned Teacher -- 2014-08-13
Re EF Hohhot -- Concerned Teacher -- 2014-08-12

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