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Beth - 2014-11-02

I spent two years living and working in China, Turnoi. Suggesting I know nothing about it is grasping at straws even for you!

You are once again missing the point entirely. In your own country doing the same job you would not be given free accommodation. You are given it in China and as such you should be grateful at being saved the expense that other people have everywhere else in the world.

You cannot do anything with a Chinese salary in your own country? What has that got to do with anything? If you are living and working in China and being paid well above what the average Chinese person gets, how much that is in your own country means nothing! I was able to save a considerable amount in 2 years in China and still live incredibly comfortably during my time there. And back to more university tales! You do realise there is a much wider world out there than your limited university experience? And I did not mention professors. I said equally qualified Chinese people, an LT at a school is just as qualified as most of the tourist-teachers in China and they earn a fraction of what an FT does... And they don't get free accommodation.

Yet another strawman post from Turnoi, you must be running out of hay by now, surely?!

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Re Wrong "expertise" -- Beth -- 2014-11-02
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