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JamesNchina - 2015-01-08

I am compelled to reply to Whistle Blowers rather extreme accusations.

By throwing out some names and supposedly specific instances up to and including "quotes" he/she seems to be trying to compel the reader into believing the posts truth in full. Curiously though is the fact that nowhere in the post does he/she state that all or any of the supporting details of illegal practices were personally experienced. All of this was 2nd hand knowledge? -

With regards to the corporate owners stating their only goal was to make as much money as they can and then sell out out fast.... I must pose the question - Are you an idiot with no experience in the business world? Firstly what company doesn't have the goal of making all the money they can? As far as selling out, with the amount of schools they have opened and franchised being so extensive, selling out is no small matter do you really think they would even be able to "sell out" a corporation involving millions of dollars if their entire corporation were operating illegally.

- I could go on to dissect Whistle Blower's blatantly defamatory post - but I will not waste my time and can quite accurately summarize -- "it is utter and completely BS, bunk, !!!

I can't and won't speak for any of the practices by corporate Beijing schools as I will not spread 2nd hand information that I am not personally involved in.

I will speak of my personal experience and knowledge of Best Learning Dalian. I was first hired there as a teacher in 2009. Although at the time I was already living in China, the transfer of all visa and other legal documents with the government were completely legit and submitted,approved, and issued by the government with out any false pretenses or bribes. (I would assume that Whistle Blower is no longer in the country since any negative accusations of corruption by government officials is no light issue and dealt with very quickly)

My contract was pretty much standard for the industry here in China.

My pay was extremely fair at at the top for average wages paid in this local. Never had any issues with it not being paid. taxes were withdrawn at proper rate and reported.
The owner /and all management staff were very supportive, in fact above and beyond what is typically experienced in other private ESL schools.

The curriculum is quality licensed and 100% genuine printed issues from one of the biggest available and used in American schools (to note is that yes pirated editions can be easily obtained online --lol welcome to China! - but these pirated editions are not purchased, supplied, or encouraged by the school itself ).

The infrastructure/design of the schools as contractually mandated by Corporate is absolutely beautiful, modern, and uses state of the art equipment such as SmartboardĀ® interactive whiteboards in all classes

As far as tired students all I can say is that Whistle Blower must be one very boring and p*** poor teacher if he/she experienced problems associated with the kids being overly tired on weekdays after attending a full day of public school. To us Americans it may seem ludicrous that young children attend a 1 1/2 hour English program once a week in the evening after public school and another on week-end. To that I say so American schools should discontinue all after school sports related activities, science,math and other clubs. Again Whistle Blower I must say you really lack any accurate perspective of education systems globally let alone in China.. Where attending all manner of after school programs is the norm not the exception.

All in all my personal experience as well as friends employed with Best Learning was absolutely superb.

So much so that I will be returning to Best Learning a few weeks from now.

Although I would strongly suggest to any person considering coming to China or any other country to do their homework before actually flying half way around the planet to embark on an experience that will provide lifetime memories, I can in good conscious recommend Best Learning Dalian as being an excellent choice.

If you are considering employment with Best Learning in any of it's many locations throughout China or any other private school for that matter ask for contact information of current or past foreign teachers.. most schools that are legitimate will happily provide that information.

In ending I say - Whistle Blower put up or shut up

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