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Peter Pan The Wind Up Man - 2015-03-27
In response to Re: Re EF Baotou (Spector)

Your honest opinion means nothing, let's face the facts, they do have fees, so they are a business.

Why are you even asking that person how much money they make? What does that have to do with this discussion?

All schools are a business, parents pay tax which pays for your public schools = fees = business. Richer parents pay for boarding school = business.

If a school isn't good what happens? Parents look for alternatives and it closes down due to a lack of students, I have seen it happen to 3 public schools in my home city!

At the end of the day it's about the education the students get at the school, whether it be public or private, the outcome is the same!

Private language centers are not the only education business out there, there are a whole load of them, different enterprises, same model just different environment. They are all operating and doing well, why? Because there is a market for it! If there was no market for it then these places would not be flourishing!

Education comes first no matter's why it's called education business and not business education!

Why would an education business spend millions developing its own courses and getting them CEFR aligned? Why would it continuously give its staff opportunities to develop themselves? Why do so many top universities around the world help contribute towards its materials and do joint ventures with it?

The answer is quite simple, it believes in the students needs and works relentlessly on providing chances for students around the world. The student comes first, the business model allows for the company to stay afloat to give the students the opportunities for their future.

The person's mind and mine work in a way you'l never be able to understand, because we look at the bigger picture. We try to help as many as we can, rather than just coming onto websites to give people abuse. What sort of teacher does that anyway? Teachers are supposed to be patient, motivated people, who want to impart their knowledge on others and do it in a way that shows they care about knowledge. Be open to others opinions, an open mind only allows for a greater knowledge of things in the world. Being so blatantly closed minded means your students will never get the full amount of knowledge from you that they possibly could, meaning you dear Spector don't give your students the best teaching possible!

I feel sorry for any student who has a teacher like you, because they can't reach their full potential if their teacher is narrow minded.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Re EF Baotou -- Beth -- 2015-02-09
Re: Re EF Baotou -- Spector -- 2015-02-10
Re: Re EF Baotou -- Happy Worker -- 2015-03-26
Re: Re EF Baotou -- Spector -- 2015-03-26
Re: Re EF Baotou -- Peter Pan The Wind Up Man -- 2015-03-27
Re: Re EF Baotou -- Spector -- 2015-03-28
Re: Re EF Baotou -- Dragonized -- 2015-03-28
Re: Re EF Baotou -- Punisher -- 2015-02-10
Re: Re EF Baotou -- Somebody -- 2015-02-10
Re: Re EF Baotou -- : yu2fa3 -- 2015-02-10
Re: Re EF Baotou -- Punisher -- 2015-02-10
Re: Re EF Baotou -- Spector -- 2015-02-10
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