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coffeewriter - 2015-06-14
In response to Re Eastern International University EIU, Vietnam (coffeedrinker)

Dear coffedrinker. First, using proper English – like “you” and “it’s” may actually improve the image and reputation of EIU.

How would I know that it’s still the same? You have heard of things like the internet, facebook, email and telephones, right?

As for demolishing the good you are doing – well, I find that pretty offensive. Many of us spent years trying to do good there and to improve the academic standards for the future of the wonderful students there. Well-qualified, experienced, professional teachers tried their utmost, through emails, meetings, reports and other means right up to the highest channels, to end the examination fraud, bullying, verbal and physical abuse of staff and the inadequate and detrimental education practices implemented by inexperienced and underqualified middle management.

So if EIU has a reputation problem, it is self-inflicted. The purpose of making this public is a) to inform other professionals about the reality of EIU and b) to possibly instigate positive change (however unlikely). These are not the rantings of people who don’t care about the profession and it is not a personal vendetta. If teachers, lecturers and professors don’t stand up for quality education, who will?

It is unfortunate that it takes this kind of whistleblowing to enforce these ideals in the face of greed and obstinacy on the part of certain institutions but it is a valuable service to professionals. If the EIU English center just admitted to being a below-par language school where you can earn decent money and not really worry about the quality of teaching and assessment, at least that would be honest. The unfortunate thing is that it had potential – while there was a decent manager and many highly-qualified, experienced and dedicated teachers there. This is no longer the case, sadly, (no offence meant to the few quality teachers who remain) and it has led to plummeting standards across the university. This is even constantly acknowledged by the brightest students and ex-students. Speaking of honesty – you can’t call something ‘defamatory’ if it is true and justified.

Finally, in the interests of informing potential employees, we must thank you for your continued input to this forum. You are providing valuable hits to the site which will increase visibility for both and for our plight. I’m sure the site admin is as grateful as we are.

Messages In This Thread
Eastern International University EIU, Vietnam -- Concerned -- 2015-05-20
Re Eastern International University EIU, Vietnam -- Professor -- 2015-06-27
Re Eastern International University EIU, Vietnam -- coffeewriter -- 2015-06-27
Re: Re Eastern International University EIU, Vietnam -- Fifi -- 2015-06-27
Vietnam -- Hippo -- 2015-06-27
Re Eastern International University EIU, Vietnam -- realteacher -- 2015-06-03
Re Eastern International University EIU, Vietnam -- coffeewriter -- 2015-06-10
Re Eastern International University EIU, Vietnam -- coffeedrinker -- 2015-06-11
Re Eastern International University EIU, Vietnam -- coffeewriter -- 2015-06-13
Re Eastern International University EIU, Vietnam -- coffeedrinker -- 2015-06-13
Re Eastern International University EIU, Vietnam -- coffeewriter -- 2015-06-14
Re Eastern International University EIU, Vietnam -- inbetween -- 2015-06-20
Re Eastern International University EIU, Vietnam -- realteacher -- 2015-05-28
Re Eastern International University EIU, Vietnam -- Speechless -- 2015-05-29
Re Eastern International University EIU, Vietnam -- yesindeed -- 2015-06-05
Re Eastern International University EIU, Vietnam -- martin hainan -- 2015-06-06
Re Eastern International University EIU, Vietnam -- Peter -- 2015-05-22
Re Eastern International University EIU, Vietnam -- coffeewriter -- 2015-06-09
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