View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re METEN / Review on "Meten English", Shenzhen, Guangdong
John O'Shei - 2015-10-29

Half the students at these "schools" have crap English anyway, how can they
evaluate the English of any teacher?

Half of the Chinese teachers at these "schools" have crap English as well, how can they evaluate the English of any foreign teacher? No wonder that they recruit most of their teachers from non-English speaking nnations!

Also, they actually know next to nothing about teaching and many of the staff will tell foreign teachers that 'it's not like a real school,' you've got to entertain the students, make them laugh etc... I think every foreign teacher that has taught part-time at one of those kinds of places has a similar story, whether it be at EF, New Oriental, Web, Monkeys 'R' Us etc.

And that's what training centres do when teaching adults... I hate to think what this 'teens' programme is that 'Andy' (He's probably a pathetic little arse kissing Chinese guy really) talks about... Especially if there's teachers that sexually harass female students; such as this Mr. 'M' bloke. Shouldn't those kind of teachers be kept well away from teenagers?

Which is a rumour that most likely isn't true, as Andy talks about placing the said teacher on Meten's 'never recruiting again' blacklist, when the correct course of action for such a school should have actually been to get law enforcement authorities involved; then a pathetic little blacklist would be the very least of that teacher's problems. It appears that Andy didn't report the teacher to the police as it would have caused problems for their training centre; which tells you an awful lot about Meten's sense of ethics!

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Re METEN / Review on "Meten English", Shenzhen, Guangdong -- John O'Shei -- 2015-10-29
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