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AdriM - 2016-01-21

I agree!!!! Gabriell Adkins is most certainly a "recruiter" to avoid. He is undoubtedly very rude! His e-mail correspondence has been very condescending in tone, when in actuality: If he had provided thorough information in his ads, I would not have had to ask numerous questions. I'm not going to simply Skype a random person who claims to be a recruiter for teachers wishing to teach abroad.

Please search this guy on YouTube, the posts are absolutely weird! Also, in a few of the videos he lists that he is a "VOLUNTEER" but on the Golden Staffing Facebook page there is a picture of him that states he is "CEO"---RED FLAG!!

Who would want to work with someone who is this rude, lack of professionalism at its finest. Attitude adjustment Gabriel! You may be able to provide people with helpful information, but your character speaks for itself when you have no problem showing it.

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Re golden staffing horrible recruiter -- AdriM -- 2016-01-21
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