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#1 Parent English teacher - 2008-02-19
Re: BAD Choatle,If you go, the world will get better and better

Is your English superb in this posting ?
Where are you from ?

#2 Parent Choatle - 2008-02-16
Re: BAD Choatle,If you go, the world will get better and better

You only think that Frank because in truth all he posts defending you were written by your hand, so you figure in your paranoia that everyone else must be like you. Sorry pal but your dead wrong. As easy as it is to use any other name, as you do, I never have. Clearly you want others to believe everyone on here who dislikes you is just one person, your way wrong. I have worked hard to keep the threads about you alive, no question, but it is you and your unethical practices that have brought everyone out of the woodwork to complain about you. grow up Frank.

#3 Parent Frank Zhang - 2008-02-16
If you go, the world will get better and better

I never used Mike as my English name. But I know Mike and Jane are a couple that I helped before in 2005. You don't need to cheat all the other kind people that I am Mike and Jane. I am I, I am Frank Zhang. Mike and Jane are my foreign friends.

Choatle,whatever fake name you use, I have told everybody that you are a SHAMELESS guy. How can you lie that I used Mike as my name? :?

I really feel shame for your metamorphic of the same sex. I have told most of my foreign friends about your shameless action in the site. You are using namy fake names and trying to hide yourself, spreading slanderous poison-pen things about the kind people.

Most of other people know that it is just from your shame. So they don't go after your stupid defamings. You don't need to urge all the other kind uu-known people to help you finish your own appetite. Stupid man, At least +2,000 kind teachers/people are willing to help me and protect me when you don't stop attacking me and insulting me.

#4 Parent Frank Zhang - 2008-02-16
BAD Choatle,If you go, the world will get better and better

Choatle, I know all the other defaming posts are from your black hand.

If you leave and stop doing the badthings, all the other people will stop. I am just helping foreign teachers when they asked me for a help.

I always make good schools for them. and they can contact with schools didreclty. When they visit me, I will have been always to pay all the fees of hotel and meals for them.

What did I cheat from them when i pay all the fee for them? I don't have any reason to cheat. Listen, Choatle( What ever fake name you use), The good people are enough intelligent, they will not go after you and help you as your black hands to defame others. Good people will not be used by you. Please stop organizing your black hooligans NOW!!!!!

Choatle - 2008-02-16
Kepp word Alive about Frank Zhang,

I have been gone a while and see that his name and most of his posts have sunk toward the bottom of the list. This is no good. Beware folks, this guy is the worst of the worst, perhaps only trumped by the infamous Miss Liu as far as poor quality goes. He will lie, cheat, deceive, and pretty much do everything in his power to screw you over. If your talking to someone named Sang Sing or one of his numerous other aliases, and their not hard to find, avoid him. The fellow even has his own web page posted by someone else where detailing his whole scam operation, one of his victims I believe. Just anther qualified customer of the looney toon man. Frank, I suggest you get some help and stop spiking the people koolaid, you should know better.

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