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#1 Parent English teacher - 2008-02-21
Re: Frank Zhang is a very good man

You look like a fool with this posting, Edward Robbins !
Do you have time for your lesson plans ?
Could you ever represent decent TEACHERS like Callmefred, Yingwen Laoshi, Gingermeggs, BSWatcher, Barry,...? They are part of the foreign community on this site not those ones from the teachers` ZOO !

#2 Parent Mr. Beckham Clinton - 2008-02-20
Re: Frank Zhang is a very good man


I native-speakering American mans from Austrilia, and I only want say Mr. Frank Zhang have the goods! He many help me find best good job in beautiful Shanxi Province countryside high school, come with beautiful apratment having nice healths squat toilet hole, and 2500 RMB every month selery more than enough for many rice and cooker oils, even have free coles from near the by coles mine! Yes, he original tell me job in Hainan beacher city with 8500 RMB each months, but hard-working Mr. Frank Zhang do for best have helps me.

Yes, Mr. Frank Zhang, he very good mans. No take moneys, only help for nobleness cause and the internaternals fiendship, I love him the so much. I tell all my many blondie friend in Australian, "Hey, maybe Mr. Frank Zhang having some helps for you too, you write him now!"

So, no believe La-Oo Deuk or Chortle or Turkoi or AMink, they only bad stupid mans having many jealers of Mr. Frank Zhang wealthys and power, want do bads and fight goods. You believe for me, another like you nice West-speaks mans from Audalia, have big American eye. All right-thinker person in Aurstalian saying, "Long Liver For Mr. Frank Zhang! He Our Leader Mans Forever!"

Mr. Beckham Clinton

(Note: This many be a pseudonym.)

#3 Parent Raoul Duke - 2008-02-20
Re: About the Real Frank Zhang, the real man in Shanghai.

Oh, Frank,

You're just going to have to wrap your mind (such as it is) around the concept that more than one- in fact, MANY- persons here know your long and sordid history, and don't like you and want to see you driven out of this business. We hope we can stop any addition to the list of +1,995 foreign teachers who are sorry they ever heard the name "Frank Zhang" (or whatever name you may have been using at the time).

This is my handle and I'm stickin' with it. There are many like it, but this one is mine. I'm not Turnoi or Choatle, although I think they're doing well here, or anyone else. You're just trying to divert attention away from your own self-admitted history of using a myriad of pseudonyms to advertise your openings, or to try (usually quite clumsily) to assure people that you're not really the unscrupulous weasel you really are.

Have I written about the hundreds of accounts of you cheating and robbing people? Of course I have. You've been a very, very bad boy, Frank.

But stories of rape and murder...these are new to me. When and where did you do those things?

As for me being in the employ of a jealous recruiter...thanks for the laugh, Frank. My position on recruiters- ALL recruiters, especially you- is pretty well documented in a great many places. You'll just have to face the possibility that I might just be a foreign teacher who's sick to death of the abuse and dishonesty we have received at the hands of people like you.

But I do hope you'll go on with your little campaign here. There's probably little that anyone like me could ever write that's more damaging to you than the stuff you write yourself.

#4 Parent Adrienne Seelig and Jeff Smith - 2008-02-17
Frank Zhang is a very good man

We want to thank you, Mr. Frank Zhang. Do you still remember us? We are Adrienne Seelig and Jeff Smith. you obtained 2 positions for us in Jiangsu Dengtai High School in 2005. We have already finished the contracts with them. We have already taught here for 2.5 years.
We want to say thanks to you for all of your efforts. thanks again, Mr. Frank Zhang. If somebody else gives you any difficulty, You can tell ous contacts to them. You have our permission. Hope those small hooligans to stop insulting you in the future, Also hope to send our delayed greetings to your family.

We want to tell everybody else that Frank Zhang is a useful man. He is a rich man. He helped lots of people and he desn't need any charge. He is great. We kind smart people should not be used by those hooligans in order to thep them do something impolite and unprincipled.

Frank Zhang - 2008-02-16
About the Real Frank Zhang, the real man in Shanghai.

Be care of the badmen using many aliases to slander Frank Zhang!

There is a fake man , his fake names: Choatle, Turnoi, Raoul Duke ... that always insulted me and slandered me. I don't know him at all. He also desn't meet me at all. but he was trying to make up many ridiculous stories to defame me. He wants to spread his virus to all the other kind people who don't know me. He lied to say that i cheated many people and I robbed some people's money and I rapeed some pretty female teachers. and even they lied to say I killed some foreign people.
It is really very ridiculous/laughable. They are just the very gadmen or other recruiters that are jealous of my good business and reputation. So that they are angry with my good business.

I am really too boried by that boring guy.
If you should know the fair things about me.
I can make you to contact +2,000 foreign teachers who ever got my help for their jobs in China since 1999.

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